Chapter 46

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Hello lovely readers. Firstly I would like to thank all of you for the tremendous support you have given for my work. I truly appreciate it and it keeps me going. So thank you all again for the Reads, Votes and Comments. Lots of love.

God Bless You Guys And Have A Wonderful Day Ahead.



Third Person's POV

He couldn't believe what he saw. His Little Flower was magnificent up there. There was a soft glow all around her but nothing could compare to her fiery orbs that were instilling fear into those mindless creatures.

He looked back just in time to see an axe fly pass the side of his head. It missed him by less than a centimeter.

'Focus!' he scolded himself and continued fighting the trolls. Princess Esmeralda and Prince Zenas were doing fairly well, keeping each other in check from time to time. Prince Zenas saved his sister twice by slaying two trolls that came from behind her.

"You owe me Val!!"

"What for?!"

"What do you mean?! I saved you! Twice!" he said putting up two fingers.

"You're my older brother! It's your job!" she yelled back while she threw a knife at a troll. It hit him right between his eyes, causing him to drop dead on the ground.

"You're such a spoilt sister you know that?!! You screwed me up back there!!" she laughed out loud earning confused looks from some of the trolls nearby.

"We'll talk about that when this is over dear brother." With that they aimed their weapons on all those rock like creatures relentlessly coming at them from all directions.

The elven king and his army was strong enough to overthrow the trolls in the western boarder of Golden Haven. They've been fighting this war for years which made the elves more experienced and slick when it came to a battle like this. The giant trolls in the west side were quick to realize that they were losing a great number from their army. So instead of getting themselves killed, they moved to the upfront where most of the trolls were.

"Where the hell are they going?" the general asked.

"They're losing so they're running upfront to fight with their main army. We have to abandon this post and help the Prince." King Epaphroditus and a great number of elves rode towards the northern side. He left a small number of elves to guard the west side.

While they moved, there were already too many of them upfront and the eastern side. Both Prince Phoenix and Prince Alexander were doing all they can. A few moments later there was a loud sound of a horn, signalling for the Dark Prince and Queen Aurora to lure them all to the center.

"Aeval! Go with Prince Phoenix and merge your light with his dark powers! You are stronger than me. Both of you will most likely make a bigger explosion!!!" The Queen yelled through all the fighting. Her daughter's skin was still glowing with power. She was phenomenal out there.

The young princess flew towards her mother and signaled for the queen to fly up.

"This power that's flowing through my veins. It's more than I have ever imagined. It's beyond abundant."

"That is why-"

"That is why you must merge your gifts with his. I know what I have to do with my gifts. You just have to trust me mama," Princess Aeval cut her mother off.

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