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Poland gasped at the sight of Nazi. 'No no no no,' he repeatedly said.

Russia quietly waited for them outside..

USSR looked shocked. 'No!' he cried out. He managed to get up, and tackled America yet with the astounding pain of his bleeding private.

Nazis body was limp- he was dead alright. Poor boi. Didn't get the ending he wanted uwu

Poland went over to Nazi, and bent over. He shook his body, 'Third Reich? Nazi? Greater German Reich?! Wake the fuck up, you kurwa!' He slapped his face, tears spilling.

USSR was now trying to strangle America. He wanted this capitalist pig to die.

Russia huffs a bit as he waits outside for America and Poland.

America twists his arm around and shoots USSR point blank in the eye.

USSR screams, stumbling back. He was now on his knees, holding his now bleeding eye.

Poland looked up at the others, sobbed. He ran up to Ameryka, pulling him away, 'Why, Meri? Please don't kill Soviet, too!'

Russia heards said scream and then walks in. He freezes up a bit "D-DAD!-"

America stared at Poland. "It was either them or you and Russia."

'N-no.. They wouldn't kill us, of course.. Th-they were too weak, anyway!' Poland replied to him.

USSR slowly walked up to America. He did nothing once he reached him.

Poland stared at USSR, then back to America. 'S-soviet? What are you d-doing?'

America turned toward USSR, pointing his gun at him. "What do you want now?"

Russia looks at Amercia and then sucker punches him in the nose

USSR took America's gun, and pointed it at him.

'R-Russia!' Poland gasped.

America stumbled. "What was that for!?"

"YO-YOU-" He teared up

He looked at Russia with tears in his eyes. "I wanted to protect you."


Poland hopped in, 'You're not protecting him by shooting his own dad! He loves him, and even if Soviet did some bad things, it's not like he'd do them again!'

USSR stared at them, his vision started to drain. He walked up to his son, and hugged him. He whispered to Russia, 'Be a good man for me, okay? Don't do the same mistakes I did.' He smiled.

"He tried to force Russia to join him!" He glared at Poland, tears in his eyes. He was now bleeding not only from his right shoulder, but from his nose as well. He looked at Russia and USSR and felt the tears streaming down his face. I fucked up.

"GODDAMNIT SOLIDER WERE NOT LETTING YOU DIE-" He picked up USSR and slumped him over his shoulder and ran to the hospital

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