It'd been a week or two since Sean and I decided to have a go at a relationship but he's been increasingly distracted and distant, I've tried to talk to him but he says it's nothing.
Sean's POV I approach her door I was calm on the outside but on the inside I was optimistic but with concern, I care for Lauren but I don't want to jeopardize our jobs or our working relationship. There are so many things that could go wrong but when I'm with her I forget that the world is against me and always has been ever since I was a child. I knock "Lauren?, are you ready?" I open the door and walk in. The bathroom light was on I walk to the door and knock on it. "Yes?" She asks "It's Sean. Are you ready to go?" "Yes, I'll be ready in just a minute." She opens the door and smiles "I need my bag." She grabs it and turns "Well?" She was wearing a long sleeved burgundy dress that ties at the waist, the dress made her beautiful hazel eyes pop. "Wow." I say in reply She looked beautiful "Are we going to leave or are you just going to stand there a drool?" She said flirtatiously "Let's go." I said laughing
Lauren's POV
When we arrived we were greeted by my partner that I had until today never met. "Hi Captain congratulations!" She turns to me "I'm Detective Maggie Cass, what's your name?" "Lauren Atwell" I say "And how long have you two been together? "Oh we're not, we aren't." We were scatter brained "We aren't together. This is your partner."Sean said "What? Oh my gosh I'm, I'm so sorry. Nothing more embarrassing than assuming who your boss is dating and turns out it's your partner. Haha." She was really embarrassed "Well I'll leave you two to get acquainted." Sean left "I don't mean to pry but what part of England are you from?" "Bedfordshire. Then New York, I moved here to America when i was 11." "really? Wow I've got my own Sherlock Holmes for a partner." "That'd make you Watson." "Haha that would make me Watson."
Sean's POV I just finished my speech and it was time to mingle I walked over to Nick and Hank they had just gotten a call about a case. "You take the car and I'll go with hank." Nick told Juliet "Bad idea, I walked." Hank replied "I could give you a ride, if you don't mind waiting." "That would be great." Said Nick
20 minutes later We pulled up to her house it was only me an Juliet, Lauren got called on a case and went with her partner. "Night." Said Juliet as she got out of the car. She walked up the stairs pulled a key out from under a pot and went inside, I wanted to leave but something wouldn't let me. I got out of the car and went into the house and upstairs into her room. Juliet was in the shower, I looked around and saw a picture of her and Nick, I smashed it and left, I couldn't get out quicker. Was I betraying Lauren? What if she finds out? Oh gosh what have I done?
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