June 29, 2019

10 1 0

I wonder if you think about me, like I think about you.

I wonder if I randomly sneak up into your mind. I wonder if you truly liked me or were just being polite. I wonder if the songs we used to listen to together remind you of me. I wonder if you wonder if I wonder about you. I wonder if I will ever get over you. I wonder if you still care about me. I wonder if you felt the same way I did when we first saw each other after 4 years of just seeing each other over FaceTime. Do your friends bring me up in conversations like they used to. Does your mom and sister still talk about me. Will I ever stop wondering... or will I live in this constant cycle of wondering about you nonstop never with the ability to stop or pause. I'm beginning to think I wonder too much about you...

The thoughts of a Heartbroken Teenage girl Where stories live. Discover now