The Blood Moon

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I slowly started to wake up, I felt the back of my head being dragged across the rough dirt path. As I looked around I felt a pain in my stomach, when I grabbed my stomach I felt the handle of a knife. I stopped for a moment as I river in agony, groaning and moaning in pain as my kidnapper dragged y body in the dirt like I was dead. I looked to see my holder and low and behold, it was Jane. 'I have to act, if I don't move she's gonna kill me for real this time!' I though to myself, I could still feel my legs so I closed my eyes as I twitched my foot. Jane looked at me but she continued to walk, I twitched agin and this time she stopped dropping my legs on the ground as I lay there with a knife in my stomach. I could feel her boot push down on the knife as I slid deeper into my stomach. "I know your awake Rose, you best spit out what ever you need to say now because I'm not gonna put up with your shit after this point!" Jane yelled as she kneeled down next to me, nows my chance! I grabbed the knife in my pocket and I stabbed Jane in the eye, I felt the tip of the blade hit her eye and slide right in as if it was meant to happen. Jane hissed in pain and jumped away, she couldn't close her eyes with the knife still in her so her eyes were wide open. I could feel her stare as I limped away father down the path, I was slowly losing feeling in my legs so I needed to either kill Jane or escape. As I limped I fell down at a cliff, this location felt so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. I heard the 'click' of a gun and I looked behind me, I was met face to face with the barrel of a pistol held by Jane. Behind me the moon was rising, but what Jane didn't know was that she's not the ONLY monster with a power. "Any last words before I splatter your brains all over the ground and leave your body for the crows to eat?" Jane asked, a grin on her face "In fact, I do" I replied, sharing a grin. Jane looked at me in a but if confusion, I took a few steps back and it hit me. I could feel power running threw my body as my fangs grew to a point and my blue eyes swirled into a blood red that shined like rubies in the light.

As my roar echoed threw the forest it was soon followed but the crunching noise of bones, sweet, sweet bones from a very, sweet killer.

// good evening every this is TheEnderGirl hear :) to tell you that this story is slowly coming to a end! Yes I am too sad to see it go but you can always catch up on the characters in my next book that's currently still in the works, and before I go I would also like to say thank you for all the views it means so much to me to know that so many people enjoy my story :) well this is TheEnderGirl logging off!

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