Me? Annoying? Nah i'm too hot.

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Daniels Pov

I know I should tell her. I know we should already be on our way home. But gosh is it fun to play around with her.

My role as warrior didn't consit of baby sitting princesses but the king thought of me as a loyal gaurd and entrusted me to bring his daughter back safe and sound.

I didn't pay attention to chemistry, I had already learned all this when I was a warrior in training.

I looked towards kiara. She had dark black hair like mine and her fathers. Most commeners back home had brown hair. Black was a sign of higher status.

And then her eyes. Mine were a purple that made me look girly were as hers were like perfect cut emeralds. Most people had unusual eye colors compared to humans.
Orange, red, purple, yellow, even pink. All vibrent.

But green they were a rarety, hell even most royalty didn't have green eyes. Maybe she gets the green from her mother and the vibrancy from her father.

No the extremely pale skin was no
surprise. Everyone at home had pale skin.
Her pale skin and dark hair brought out her eyes.

Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I threw a paper ball at the back of her head. She tensed but didnt look behind her.

I threw another one. Same result. Nothing.

I think she was used to this. I saw a jock push her in the halls earlier. I don't think anything makes me more mad than people picking on other people. 

One more throw and that's what got her attention.

"Stop throwing paper balls at me you stupid, annoying, idiot." She yelled.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and focused on us. When she noticed everyone looking at us, her pale skin turned bright pink.

I smirked as the teacher asked if there was a problem.

"Me? Annoying? Nah I'm too hot." I interrupted before she could speak up.

Her eyes glared and I pushed her mind and heard one thought.



Hiya guys, umm so I'm prob going to start updating this story slowly but surly.

This chapter is dedicated to...... JournalistSZ

She convinced me to start writing this book again.

Please look into my other book Broken.


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2015 ⏰

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