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The next day I had devised a plan to make Tony regret what he had said, I just needed Vic to help me. Maths was first and I slid into my seat next to Vic who already started working.

"Vic do you like my hair" I asked twirling a short peice of it with my fingers.

"It's okay I guess. It's a bit patchy though. It makes it look unnatural." He answered very honestly.  I liked that about him.

"Yeah, I think I'm going to go back"

"Back to what colour?" He asked.

"Midnight black" I batted my eyelashes at him for dramatic effect and he turned away flustered.

"Why do you do that?" He asked.

"Do what?"

"You start a normal conversation and then halfway through you make it sexual or flirt and that's not cool because you can't do that when you already have a boyfriend!"

"What?" I asked confused. "Boyfriend? What would give you the idea that I have a boyfriend?"

"You and Tony..." he was now bright red.

"What about me and Tony come on, spit it out."

"Okay but please don't freak out"

"Puh lease I'm already a freak I don't do that"

"Okay so on my first day here I had to come early for one of the staff to give me a tour of the building and when it finished I went to one of the toilets to play games on my phone until the bell went... I didn't want to look like the loner new kid standing alone. So I was in one of the cubicles playing flappy bird and listening to music so I didn't hear the bell go."

"Okay... I can see where this is going but carry on anyway"

"Okay so I didn't hear the bell go off but I did hear someone coming into the toilets...or rather two people... I didn't know what to do when they started going at it so I just put my music back on and tried to ignore it. After a while it went silent so I opened the door and...and were just there...butt naked and you were leaning over the sink so I ran out before you noticed me"

"You saw my butt?"


"Did you like what you saw?" I replied winking and wiggling my eyebrows.

"See! There you go doing it again"

"Sorry... sorry. Wait, so how did you know it was Tony?"

"Oh. Well you practically jerked him off in the library so I figured"

"Well we aren't dating. Even if we were its over now anyway"

"What happened?"

"Meh" I replied shrugging at him "but now you know I'm single will you hit me up?"

"Haha nice try" Vic replied.

"I know, I know, but could you maybe help me with something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

Some Kind Of Crazy (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now