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It was time for lunch, the last class she had didn't have Edward in in so she was walking alone to the lunch room she went to sit with Bella and her friends, but she told Margo the table was full, Margo just nodded sitting alone at another table.
Taking out her chocolate covered almonds and GT Arizona she set them on the table, also grabbing her book she was reading last night popping in one of her earbuds.
The girl sat there for a good 3 minutes before someone tapped her shoulder.
When the Hazel eyed girl turned around she was greeted by a grinning edward. "Hey."
"Hey, why aren't you sitting with your sister?"
"Tables full." She blankly said shrugging. Edward scoffs and sits down next Margo.
"What are you listening too?"
The girl smiles and gives him one of the earbuds. What played through them was moonlight sonata. "Good choice, look, how about you come sit with me and my family?"
The girls eyes widened and exclaimed "You don't have to I don't want to intrude."
He smirked and said "It's fine Alice and Emmett will love you."
Margo got up and Edward held her book in his hand as the two walked towards his table. "Hello."She said and waved to them "Hi!!! We are going to be best friends I just know it."
Alice squealed hugging the girl Margo hugged back not minding it at all. "Me too."
Rose was glaring are the redhead and Margo saw cocking up a brow she asked "Not to be rude but, what are you looking at?"
Roses hard glare became a cold stare as the words rolled off of Margo's tongue "Your hair, I thought redheads were supposed to be bitchy and crazy."
Alice gasped and Margo felt angry but kept solid eye contact. "And I thought blondes were supposed to be bitchy and rude, I guess I thought right then."
The table grew quiet until rose smiled, "I like this one, she's got some fire in her she looked like she wanted to rip my head off, I'm rose it's nice to meet you margret."
Smiling to the blonde she shakes her hand and says,"Next time I might actually do it, who knows blondie."
"I'm Emmett good to meet you Pipsqueak!"
"Hey! Your just freakishly big okay, I'm average height I'll have you know." Lunch went surprisingly well, biology was okay she was forced to sit with the boy named mike, didn't really like him much, he was a sweet guy just too upfront for Margo.
It's was now time to head home, when she got outside she seen Bella by her truck and skipped over too her, with her knee high heeled boots clinking against the road.
"hey bells, dad said to meet at the diner today for dinner."
She look at Margo with a bitter expression, the ride was silent until they got in the house, Bella slammed the door before irritatingly saying