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"Your vitals seem normal, your blood pressure is the same but you did have a abnormal spike of adrenaline, your eyes seem to glow yellow after using your newly found abilities. I want you to think about me, close your eyes see through me, try to communicate with me. I'm going to go upstairs."
In the matter of seconds Carlisle was up stairs. Margo closed her eyes and focused on Carlisle. Taking a deep breath and exhaling she spoke.
"Carlisle can you hear me?"
Edwards eyes widened, he heard Carlisle's thoughts but he heard Margo's voice in Carlisle head.
Carlisle goes down the stairs with a smile on his face.
"I believe that Margret here has developed a mutation, it's very rare situation but for Margo That's what it is. The world holds a very little amount of mutants, and Margo is one of them."
Margo smiles a small smile, Bella scoffed.
"Can you try to find and speak to Victoria?"
Carlisle questioned.
"Uhm, I can try."
Closing her eyes trying to call for Victoria, she couldn't focus Bella was talking.
"Bella could you be quiet please."
"You think because you've got magic or whatever bullshit, that you can tell me what to do?"
"Bella I need it quiet I can't focus with your voice in my mind."
bella was cut off by Jacob,
"Bella just stop we need to figure this out so we can get it over with."
Bella rolled her eyes and shut up. Searching and searching Margo think she found her, not her location.
The curly haired woman thought she was hearing things.
"What the fuck?"
"What are you doing, what are you creating?"
Victoria scoffed
"I know your Edwards new mate, I'm coming for you. I don't know who you are but as far as I know I have your scent."