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It's been two weeks Edward a Margo have grown closer, and today was the day that Edward wanted to tell her about him being a vampire.
There was a knock on her window, it was 10:40pm.
"Edward it's late you know?"
Laughing as he climbed through the window Edward says,"Yeah I know, I actually wanted to talk to you about something."
She had a concerned look on her face before sitting next to him on the window seat.
"I haven't been completely honest with you, I understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore, but you can't tell anyone else about what I'm going to tell you."
The nervous girl nods scooting closer to him. "my family and I are, vampires."
She looks at Edward and sees the look in his eyes before smiling placing a hand in his face, her thumb running over his cheekbone.
"I doesn't matter, your not gonna hurt me because if you were you would have already."
He gently placed his hand on her wrist that's connected to the hand on his face.
"My family and I are different we only hunt animals not humans, some of us have gifts, I can read minds."
Her eyes widened and said,
"Do you—could you read my mind?"
'What am I thinking about now, I'll give you a hint it's my favorite snack.'
"Chocolate almonds."
"Oh my fucking God! You've been reading my mind the whole time."
He laughs and says
"Not all the time only when your asleep you tend to think of food a lot."
She punches him and he rubs his arm pretending to be hurt.
"That's for not telling me sooner and watching me sleep weirdo, wait does Bella know?"
"Yes she's known for awhile."
She nods getting up and looking back at the pile of papers on her desk.