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I wake up at 1:46PM, which is pretty early in my book. The sunlight shines through my window, blinding me. I pick up my phone and see three unread messages from my best friend.
OrangePeel🍊: Wake uuppp
OrangePeel🍊: I'm picking you up at 2
OrangePeel🍊: You better be up by then >:( ♥
I smile and let out a sigh. I love my Wonpil so much. We've been friends for as long as I can remember. I text him back.
- - - - : Orenji 👁👅👁🍊
- - - - : I'm up ♥
I push the blankets off of me sluggishly. I roll out of bed and fall on the floor, my stomach making impact. I groan and get up. Why does he want to pick me up?
Curious, I check the date. Oh, right. It's the last week of summer. On Sunday, Wonpil and I go clothes shopping to start off the year looking "fresh". I hate whenever summer's end approaches, but this shopping trip makes up for it.
    While checking the date on my phone, I get a text from Wonpil.
OrangePeel🍊: You know I find that orenji text disturbing •_ゝ•
- - - - : That's why I text you that everyday silly ◕‿◕
    I chuckle and place my phone on my bed. I look at the clock and realize that I'm going to be late as always.
I inspect my closet on what to wear. We're going to be shopping and wearing stuff, so I have to wear something comfy and easy to get out of. Out of my wide variety of black hoodies, I choose one and grab some jeans. I gather the rest of my stuff and rush to the bathroom.
While I'm brushing my teeth, I hear a doorbell ring. That must be my boy Wonpil. I run to the door to greet him with my mouth full of toothpaste. He smiles at me and hugs me anyways. He's used to me being late by now.
    "Come out when you're ready," Wonpil says. I nod and rush back to the bathroom. I hear Wonpil close the front door for me as I spit out the foam in my mouth.
After I finish brushing my teeth, I don't bother to blow dry my hair. I don't want to keep Wonpil waiting any longer. I put on some shoes and run out the door where Wonpil is waiting in his car.
Since I forgot to tie my shoelaces, I trip and fall on the ground. I can already hear his laughter in my head. Wonpil opens the door and helps me up.
"Are you okay?!" he asks, trying to hold back his laugh.
"Yeah, I'm fine. You know you can laugh, right? I'm used to it."
And with that, Wonpil laughs loudly. I love his laugh, especially the hiccups that he does. I playfully punch his arm and head to his car.
Once I sit down and buckle up, Wonpil starts driving. We drive down the usual path, but then he makes a turn.
"Where are we going pil?"
"Younghyun said he wanted to join us."
Oh god. Youghyun. THE Young K. Me and him are known to be a chaotic duo together. We got into serious trouble last year for pulling a prank on one of the teachers. We messed up his chair a little bit, and it broke underneath him. There were some... Casualties. I don't like thinking about it. The poor man's hole... Ew.
Despite us being known as "troublemakers", he is actually a really sweet guy. He is very caring and polite, as long as you don't give him a ten page essay due tomorrow. People are afraid to mess with him, and I find it hilarious. He would never get into a fight with anyone, but I'm sure that if he did, he would win. Wonpil has some tough competition with Younghyun for the spot as my best friend.
"Yay! I miss him!" I yell. I haven't seen him since the last day of school. I've tried to hang out with him during summer, but he was always busy writing music or working at the convenience store. Mostly it was music. I texted him a lot though. Man, I am going to give him the biggest hug.
"He really misses you too," Wonpil says. Something about his tone was questionable, but I let it slide.
We pull up into the driveway and wait patiently. As soon as I see him, I open the door and run with my arms wide open.
I run into him and hold him close.
"Hey! We haven't hung out in ages!" Young K yells happily. "I've missed you!"
I laugh in his arms and we part. Wonpil rolls down his window and calls us over.
We both walk to the car together. Young K calls the front seat, so I went to the back.
    We roll the windows down on the highway and scream song lyrics at the top of our lungs. Or, at least I do. Wonpil and Younghyun hit the notes perfectly. Is there something that they're not good at? Oh, Young K is horrible at Jenga. Yeah, that's one. Wonpil?... I got nothing.
    My hair flies around, and I smile brightly. I feel very content in this moment with my closest friends, singing songs out loud, on our way to shop for our last year of high school.

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