Chapter 9

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Kion's Dream
Fuli and I were sitting on my cliff observing the prides.
"One day Fuli once Kovu and Kiara are done as rulers I rule the prides with you by my side" I licked her face and she nuzzled me. We were together, at last.
"I wouldn't have it any other way" she said.
Suddenly the ground beneath us gave way and we fell into void.
I was back right after the accident but I was still an adult. I watched everything that happened, how heartbroken everyone was. How could I let this happen, I should've out run that hyena. I could have escaped from the human facility a long time before I left but I didn't. This my fault things have gotten out of control and now we probably die. WHY DIDN'T I DO SOMETHING.

"Are you Alright kid" said Jafari.
I woke with a start
"Yeah I'm fine".
"Look kid I know you and parents had an arguement about me".
"Kid you don't have to defend me, if your parents don't like me then they don't".
"Jafari I know you are here to they just need to see that and I will show them but killing any humans that threaten this land".
"Kid you don't understand there point of view".
"What rejecting the help of anyone willing".
"About loosing a child, did you stop consider that".
"I... I didn't".
"They are afraid based on my savage angry past that they think I will want war and you will get caught in that and die, or your sister and her mate and children could die. Kion they just got back after a long time of thinking they lost you they just want you safe even if that means running or fleeing".
"I am such a moron".
"I thought the same way, wanting to kill those who wronged me but my mate and son got involved and they suffered ever since then I pick my battles".
"It's just feels like I let everyone down by being gone for so long, If I was here I could help us keep from being in this mess".
"No offense kid but you were just a cub with a cub animal posse you prevent what has happened but don't feel that way, you know what come on we will talk to your parents about and you could apologize by telling them about your stress and even your little thing have with that cheetah". How does he know that.
"I don't know..."
"Got to say didn't picture the king's son to be into cross species, I'm just teasin but runnin with Adolfo you get a lot of it".
"Come on let's go".

A month later

After that Jafari went with ne to apologize to my parents and talk about things. The accepted it and realized my stress. We still haven't found any other strong members to include in the guard. Fuli and I haven't really hung out very much since that day, she mostly discusses battle with Jafari and some talk with a leopard. Bunga has become best friends with Adolfo and Duma. Part of Kev's back up has come but they haven't much but observe and study the drillers and Kev has been busy helping them. And that leaves being by myself most of the time.
I am feeling a little jealous. Maybe it would have been better if I hadn't returned. Well my family would be upset. At least I still have them to talk to.
"Kion are you okay" said a familiar voice. The voice was Tiifu. She had aged as well but she still looked the same but acted more her age. I forgot to mention that I have also been hanging around her.
"Yeah I'm fine".
"Well you seem down".
"I told you fine Tiifu but thanks for your concern".
I kind of used the time I spent with her as a way to make Fuli jealous. It has been working.
"Kion I wanted to talk to you about something".
"Well we have been hanging out more often but...well...Kion I am not in love with you, it's just there are".
"Tiifu you don't have to explain it to me I understand, besides I kind of like Fuli anyway".
Tiifu nearly choked.
"Fuli the Cheetah".
"Yeah who else".
"Well if love is love but have you told her".
I decide to lie.
"No not yet".
"Do it and see if she likes you, well see you Kion".
"See you later".
I decided to head to the lair. Jafari and Bunga where the and Adolfo, Duma, and Fuli where just arriving when I got there.
"Alright Kion's here, so what first" said Bunga.
"Well we still need to find a new member so we will looking"
"Alright let's go everyone" said Bunga.
"Hey Kion can I speak to you for a second" said Fuli
We walked over to a quiet area.
"What are you doing Kion".
"What do you mean".
"Spending time with Tiifu".
"I don't know what you're talking about".
"You know what I am talking about".
"So what we aren't dating anyway, besides you are spending so much time Jafari and that lepoard".
"You think I dating an old ape or an idot of leopard".
"Well I don't know, I wouldn't anyway because you never talk to me anyway".
"Kion we are trying to deal with the humans and hyenas here".
"Like Kev and my dad say they aren't coming for us right now".
"Kion you are being petty and jealous, you just want me to be jealous along with you".
"Fuli when I said that we couldn't be together didn't mean we couldn't be friends. For the past little while you don't even speak to me anymore".
She didn't respond.
"You know I thought it was my fault that the way things turned out with being gone and humans getting closer but now I know you guys get off just fine with out me maybe I shouldn't have come back".
"Kion that's not what I am saying".
"Maybe the guard is better off with out me anyways" I said as I stormed off. I was angry again. I could never escape the stress and anxiety over me being the reason this all has happened and how nothing has gone right to fix it.
I decided I was going to see if Kev was busy it was about the only where I can go. He was doing some stuff out side.
"Hey Re...I mean Kion" he said. Suddenly more of those people in wagons showed with human weapons.
"Dr. Kevin Miller".
"Point is the direction of the drillers" he said. Kev pull a weapon like theirs from his hip.
"Yeah follow me". I tagged along to.
I didn't want Kev to know I was there so I hid in some bushes.
"What are you people doing here this is off limits" said one of them. The people that came with moved forward and throwing people on the ground and binding their hands and feet.
"Dr. Miller you don't have to come with us, your a doctor not a soldier".
"Those people are hurting animals of the surrounding areas so this is my part of my job".
"Well I suggest you head back to your mobile base and tend to some we have get these guys into the African govts hands". Kev walked I away and I walked next to him.
"What are you doing here this is to dangerous for you and your friends".
I roar inprotest.
"These people and many more are here to assist and it's best for you guys to stay out of it you and your family don't need to get hurt anymore. After all your cheetah would very upset". What how did he.
"You Kion you are the strangest lion I have ever met but you are the smartest and bravest of them all but you don't need to throw your life away".
He was right. Him and I walked back to his wagon. I need to speak to Fuli again and apologize. I tried the lair but no one was there. Next I would try her cave.

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