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yo homeboy was bored out of his mind when he sat down in the dining hall the next morning at 9:34 A.M. That was until he saw Kokichi come up to him again.
"Saihara-Chan I'm so sorry for yesterday. I was being a jackass and I hope you except my apology."
Shuichi was quite sure he was mocking him based on the joking smirk on the smaller boy's face.
"Um thanks..But how do I know you're actually sorry?" Shuichi asked. Lifting one of his eyebrows in curiosity.
" Well, If I'm honest, what's the difference between lying and not? There really isn't one. Also Saihara-Chan~"
"Please actually give me a chance. Everyone hates me and they never believe me on anything! Even when I'm telling the truth! All I want is is for you to support me. And I can support you.." Kokichi had absolutely no
Expression visible.
This man is strange.
"Kokichi.. Not to offend you I just still don't think I want to talk to you..."
"Why not?"
"Because you're a liar."
"When have I ever lied to you?" Kokichi asked, tilting his head.
"A-always?" Shuichi answered, though it sounded like a question.
"Well like I said earlier, what's the difference between lying and not? I just want to be someone's friend! It doesn't matter if I'm lying if not, so please... "
"Um, fine. I could give you a chance. But there is a difference in lying..I just want to know the truth."
"Yayy! I knew that Shu-Shu would give me a chance!"
"S-stop calling me nicknames!" Shuichi sighed, looking down, trying to hide his blush.
At the end of the day Shuichi heard the noises again. He had to admit it was pretty creepy.. But he felt it was too quiet and he could think of no way that someone could get in the room. Besides, he was feeling too lazy to really do anything about it. He was once again bored, therefore getting his phone out from under his pillow and texting Kirumi.
Hi, Mom. I-I mean Kirumi! Anyways, I don't know what to do. I just messaged you because I was bored and I don't know anyone I can text that's not....Gone
There it was again; The reminder of that one day..
He checked his phone, seeing Tojo had texted back.
Hello there. I just got done vacuuming. You say you're bored?
            He nodded agressively, he was always bored unless he was spending time with someone or was in a class trial or investigating.

Yeah, that's right. He sent.

Why don't you try one of the lemon bars I made yesterday?

Oh, that seems like a cool idea. Thanks!

         He smiled slightly and made his way to the kitchen, seeing Kirumi already getting out silverware and a plate. He also eyed a knife hanging from a leather decoration, admiring the shine.
         He took the lemon bar that Kirumi held out for him.
       "Thank you."
    Is all he said as he went up to his room and ate.
    Shuichi opened his eyes to see an empty plate. Memories of the day before flooded his mind.
    Shuichi knew he had the gut to look under the bed this time just for clarification that nothing was happening, so he picked himself up and crawled under. There was nothing.

"I can't hear them right now, but next time I do I'll look under as soon as I do..." Shuichi told himself.
He stood by as four weeks had gone. Some days were happy, some days felt lonely without Kaede and Rantaro, but he noticed time had flew by unfortunately fast.
   He didn't even recall hearing those random shuffling noises.         
Shuichi got himself up from his mattress and was about to approach the closet when he heard the same annoying scratchy sound. Surprising Saihara out of his thoughts, he heard knocks from his door.
        He opened it to see Kaito.
    "Hey, sidekick! Why-" he paused.
  they must've both heard it when they both peered at each other.
"Kaito...you're being loud. Could you stay out in the hall for a sec?"
Kaito then shut the door, waiting outside impatiently.
There he went, he checked under the bed. Shuichi was shocked by who it was and dragged that person out after widening his eyes. Lying there was Kokichi.

     Word count: 742 words

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