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"What the hell??" Shuichi exclaimed.
He was obviously freaked out but not exactly surprised that the person could be Kokichi. I mean, who else would hide under my bed and lie about it so easily? His heart beat a little faster as he realized who would; a killer.
"Nishishishi! Sorry, I kind of got carried away."
"Um- Carried away?? I don't really know how to respond, I guess... I mean, it's really weird and horrifying to figure out someone is under your be-- Wait a second. Kokichi...how long have you even been under here.??"
"Oh! Ever since about uhh...Actually, um, I kinda lost count. Maybe a couple of days... I was sure there was a monster in my dorm room so I came over here...since we're friends and all, right?"
"Kokichi? How much stuff did you hear me say.? Or see?"
"Well, I saw and heard about every single little bit. I was kinda bored sitting there all the time, ya know? Why?"
Shuichi felt strange now. He couldn't believe it. How many times did he cry? Or undress? Was Kokichi just casually watching?
"...You don't happen to be lying would you?"
  " look at me! Not the floor, emo!"
  He looked up at Ouma.
"Did I stutter? Annnyways~ I'm not telling you why I came in here unless you caaatchh mee~"
   "Wait what"
Kokichi was running around Shuichi's dorm, giggling like a small child running away from their mother in a walmart.
     "Y-you really never get tired of running, do you?"
  He laughed as he left the room.

Well that was weird.

Shuichi came out of his room, looking for Kaito so they could do their 100 push-ups. He wasn't in his dorm when he knocked.
      "Try Harukawa's. I saw him go into there earlier"
     Ryoma told him.
   "Oh, alright. Thank you."
  He searched and found Maki's dorm and knocked.
     Nobody answered.
Kaito was literally outside my dorm this morning looking for me. Where could he be now?
'Guess I'll do something else then?' He thought.
He decided he would watch the next episode of Seven Deadly Sins, since a new season came out but be heard another knock on the door.
   He paused his show and peeked out the door, letting that one person in.
"Hey, Shuichi~"
"Um I'm sorry for the intruding question but have you ever loved Kayayday?" Kokichi asked suspiciously.
"I don't know why you opened my door to ask this, but yeah, Kaede was my best friend,"
"No, I mean.. as a lover.."
   "No? Never loved her more than a friend.. But you can come in."
   Kokichi walked in the room and sat on a bean bag chair, rolling around until he left a smile on his face.
"Then prove it" ordered Kokichi.
"Prove what.?"
"You never loved Kaede? Prove it like a detective."
"H-how do I do that?"
"Duh! You kiss me? I mean, doesn't seem that logical at first but after the kiss it'll sure prove things y'know."
Shuichi was the ultimate confusion. He was gonna follow the others instructions, but that would be weird. He knew he was not only intrigued by Kokichi, but somewhat attracted. He hesitated. Why the fuck would he kiss Kokichi? This was the weirdest day ever. Instead of kissing Kokichi, he just stood still, until Kokichi grabbed Shuichi to pull him closer, and locked lips with him.
"There we go, that's better." Ouma sighed sarcastically.
"Omigosh, Little Shuichi you're blushing! Someone's got the hots this morn—"
Unfortunately, interrupting Kokichi, Shuichi slowly kissed Kokichi back. And after awhile Kokichi pulled himself out to catch his breath, smirking.
"I knew my Shuichi would kiss me back!! I just knew it!" Excitedly yelled Kokichi.
"Uh-Uhm.." Shuichi was very surprised at his own self for his actions, but his body moved on it's own. He wouldn't have imagined it.. But every time he looked at Kokichi now, he looked different.
"So? Do you happen to like me back? Kokichi grinned.
"Uh-Well um I don't know what you're talking about..."
"Shuichi, I love you! I want to know if you love me back."
"uhh... I..." Shuichi was scrabbling words.
"what? I can't hear you!" Kokichi teased.
"Well I g-guess maybe...."
"I still can't hear you!" Said Kokichi again.
" Uh... Um.. I might as well spit it out..." Shuichi sighed. "I l-like you too Kokichi.."
Kokichi blinked. "Heh...I didn't really expect you to say that.." he blushed.
"Kokichi!!!! Then why'd you even ask??"

Word count: 780 words
    [I'm upgrading and redoing some parts of my story since for some reason I had terrible grammar in 2019]

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