Chapter 7

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Etsuko's POV

--skip to Age Of Ultron--

Tears furiously streamed down my face as I held Yūki to my chest. "You need to let her go Et,"

Sighing and looking down at Yūki's sleeping face, and wiped my tears.  Looking up at Clint's wife, Laura I handed over Yūki and started crying all over again.

Steve leaned over and hugged me as I cried harder as Laura held her to her chest.

"She's in good hands,"

Nodding softly, I turned back to Steve and stuck my head in his chest and started crying.

Looking back one last time at Yūki, I smiled softly and started to walk back to the car. 

"You'll see her as soon as it's over, ok?" Nodding slowly, I sat in the passenger seat and looked back out the window to see Laura waving and holding Yūki.

"Do we have to do this mission?"

Steve laughed and nodded while sitting in the drivers seat and driving down the road and to the tower.

"I have a shit feeling about this mission Steve. I think we should just hop on a plane to Japan and say we forgot."

Steve laughed loudly again and turned to me with a smile, "You can't just skip missions that help save the world."

Sighing and rolling my eyes, I turned to look at him, "Fuck the world. Hasn't done shit for me." I shrugged.

Steve shook his head and chuckled again, "The world has me in it though, right?"

Giggling I nodded, "The world made up for the shitty life by bringing you in it."

He chuckled again before taking one hand off the wheel and grabbed mine while squeezing it.

"Nothing bad is gonna happen, and if it does you'll be ok."

Nodding softly, I squeezed his hand back and smiled down at my lap.  "Don't die, okay Stevie?"

"Same goes for you, ok? Don't be to reckless."

Nodding softly, I looked up at him and smiled, "I'll try, but we all know I have no common sense."

He chuckled softly before looking back to me, "I'll put you on a leash if I have to."

Laughing loudly I began to cry and lean over from laughing so much, "Oh my god Steve, you should do stand up, you're fucking hilarious." I said while wheezing.

Steve looked confused and amused while looking over at me hunched over and crying from laughter.

"I don't get why it's so funny to you, but I guess it's better than you moping." He shrugged while turning back to the road.

"You really think, you, can hold me down with something used to keep your chihuahua in place? You're fucking hilarious."

Steve just stared at me, "I'll have Tony make one just for you." Scoffing and straightening my back I looked out the window towards the woods.

"If shit goes South, I'm taking off and going back home"

Steve just nodded at me and returned to focus on driving us back to the tower.

My head started to drop and I leaned it against the window and let my eyes close.  I could feel myself fading in and out of consciousness until I finally fell asleep.


"Etsuko, okite junbi o shi nasai"(Etsuko, wake up and get ready).

Slowly I sat up and turned to look at my mother's frowning face, "Nani ga machigatte iru mama"(what's wrong mom?).

"Anata no otōsan wa, kyō wa yama ni itte watashitoisshoni shigoto o suru kawari ni, ichinichijū jūki o tsukatte shigoto o suru to itte imashita"(Your father said that today you'll be working with firearms all day instead of going to the mountains and working with me.)

Nodding softly at my mom, she closed my door and allowed me to begin to get ready.

Pulling myself out of bed and walking over to my closet, I pulled out a pair of pants that I've worn to many times amd a shirt with countless stains and holes.

Putting them on, I reached down amd grabbed my worn out shoes and put them on and tied up my hair in a bun.

Standing up, I turned around to look at myself in a full body mirror.  My clothes were stained and had countless holes in them, my shoes couldn't be considered shoes and every inch of my body has some sort of scar.

A hole in my pants on my knee showed a massive burn from where I dropped a hot pan on it while trying to move it to th sink.

My collarbone was covered in bruises from my fights with father, and I had a horrible black eye from yesterday's training with my powers.

Sighing and turning around, I walked got door and ripped it open before slamming it shut.

Fuck feeling worthless and ugly. I have fucking powers, I don't need to feel like some angsty teenager.

Marching through the kitchen and to the backyard, I saw my father with an array of guns.

"Bakagete shinu na" (Dont be stupid and die). Nodding towards him, he picked up a small handgun and tossed it to me.


Feeling myself being shaken awake, I jolted up and looked around only to see Steve. 

"We're here"

Nodding towards him, I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the car door and stepped out.

Gazing around at Tony's overly sized garage, I started walking towards the door to get into the tower as soon as possible.

Walking as fast as I could to the elevator, I stepped in and began pushing the button to mt floor repeatedly.

Steve had taken the stairs up, but I wasn't fucking with that shit.

The doors began to close and I felt the elevator being lifted up onto my floor.  It wasn't really my floor because everyone else was there, but still.

The elevator stopped on the floor and I stepped out and went straight to my room.

Sighing, I ran towards my bed and jumped onto it. I could hear someones footsteps coming closer and closer to my door until I heard Tony's voice.

"Party after tomorrows mission. Be there or be square." And he walked away.


Whattup biiiiiitchesss
What's poppin, ahhhhh

Ok so basically I don't fuck with the other movies and made the executive decision that this book will only include Age of Ultron and Civil war and MAYBE infinity war but endgame fucked me up and I'm not writing that shit

But anywho that's all don't forget to thank your parents that you have a wenis and baii

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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