Trailer 1 Call me terror billy

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There was a time when Tyrants used to rule.

But now it's all about to change.

All because of one man.

And his name is B.J. Blazkowicz.


A man opened his eyes to an unknown beach.

???: What the hell?

He then sat up.

???:I remember the twins getting born and then nothing.

He then stood up and noticed a duffle bag with guns Next to him.

???: All my old guns...

He then picked them up and looked around to see any signs of life.

???: Where am I?

He then noticed that there were people with...Animal appendages? Looking at him.


He then started to walk past them while they gave him stares.

While he was walking he managed to find himself in a town filled with people with animals appendages.

???:(Am I on some secret base where nazis experimented on animals and combined them with humans?)

He then walked up to a person.

???:Excuse me But where am I?

???1:Oh your on managerie.

???:Is it anywhere near America?

The person gave him a confused look.

???:Europe?Russia?Japan?England? At least?

The person just shrugged.

???1:I don't know where that is but you can go and ask the belladonna's where that is maybe they can help.

The person then walked away.

???:Menagerie? Never heard of that place like that before. Maybe it's isolated from the rest of the world.

He then heard a noise that sounded like an air craft behind him and turned around to see a strange aircraft almost like a smaller version of the carrier that belong to Engel.

It then landed into the ground and when it opened showed multiple men in armor showed up with a man who looked like he had a stick up his ass and was very arrogant.

???:Alright you filthy Animals bring your children into the bullhead and we won't tax you more than we would before.

The people then grew scared but the man...

Oh he was pissed...


The man in the suit then turned around to see a fist come flying towards his face and landing making the rich man fall down.

???:What the fuck is wrong with you you can't just take kids from the people.

???:How dare you!!!Kill this man!!!

The men then pointed his guns at the man.

Oh only if they knew how fucked they were.

B.J: My name is B.J Blazkowitcz and no way in hell am I gonna let you take these peoples kids so I'm just gonna give you one chance. Leave these people alone or else...

(Play song)

???:Just shoot him already.

The men then started to shoot...

Only for them to see B.J throw a grenade and went to cover.

Then 3 seconds later the men blew into gibs.

B.J then took out 2 Shickhammer X's and started to shoot at the men while running around like a mad man.

One tried to ram him with some kind of sword but he just grabbed the mans arm and broke it while also slashing at the man neck with his axe barely holding it before falling down and the head being split.

Another man tried to shoot at him from behind but B.J rolled away and shot at the man in armor leaving a gaping hole and the man falling down.

Bj then put away the shock hammer and took out his desielcraftwerk from the duffel bag and shot mines at the men with a. Few getting in the men.

He then went behind cover and pressed on the detonator making a big explosion and leaving only bits of the men on the ground.

The man in the suit was scared shitless and ran back into the bullhead but not before Bj took out a pistole and shot the bastard in the arm and leg but still landing on the bullhead.

(End song)

It then flew off with Bj putting his pistole away and admiring his handiwork.

Bj: I don't even know if there working for the nazis but for sure as hell I pissed them off.

He then heard footsteps and turned around to see the people and their kids stare at the man.

???:Thank you.

???:You saved us.

???:What can we call you sir?

Bj: You can call me...Terror Billy.

Hey guys here's a new book and this time it's involving my favorite FPS's ever so here's the first trailer.

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