Claim me

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Monie POV
I wake up and look around I see jakori but no Mac.

Fine by me.

I walk over to jakori and start to kiss on her neck.

Jakori- "aht aht get off me."

Monie- "what I do?"

Jakori- "you can't just be kissing on me."

Monie- "why not?Let's not act brand new"

Jakori- "if we are going to continue this. I need you to claim me."

Monie- "come on stop playing with me."

Jakori- "Monie I'm being serious."

Monie- "jakori you know I can't do that."

Jakori- "why?"

Monie- did you forget I have a crazy ex?"

Jakori- "you really are scared of her"

Monie- "I ain't scared i just don't want nothing to happen to you."

Jakori- "well I need to head back home anyway."

As soon as she tries to get up I grab her by her waist.

Jakori- "I'm not playing let me go."

Monie- "I just wanna hold you for a lil bit. I can't do that?"

Jakori- "ok, I guess you can but only for a little bit"

20 minutes later.

Jakori- "ok monie I really need to go."
Monie- "please just spend some time with me."
Jakori- "I spent time with you. What happened to let's just be friends?"

Monie-"don't use my words against me."

Jakori- "yeah that's what I thought now let me go."

I flip us over to where she's under me and i hold on to both her wrists.

Jakori- "please let me go"

Monie- "give me a kiss and I'll let you go"

We end up having a make out session but sadly it stayed on the lips

Jakori- "happy."

Monie- "it will do"

I release her and she walks out.

Well so much for that not even 5 minutes later ash walks in.

Ash- "honey I'm home"

Monie- "I should keep my door locked."

Ash- "yeah yeah. So what you been doing baby."

Monie- "don't call me that."

Ash- I don't know what your problem is but you need to calm down.

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