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"Why are you so quiet?" This question as been on Christian's mind since the woman sat down at the table. Milani looked around the small cafe. Her hand clutched her cup of coffee a little too tight, as her palms began to sweat.

She knew full well that Christian had no reason to hurt her but, she couldn't shake the thought. She felt weak, a disagreement so miniscule had her shaken.

"Hey" his voice laced with concern as he reached for her shaky hands. Y/n's dreams had started up again, the thoughts came flooding back and it felt like she was drowning in sadness and despair.

As soon as Ian's had came in contact with hers she flinched hard, resulting in her spilling hot coffee on her hands.

"Shit" she let out a quiet 'im fine' before walking to the cafe bathroom quickly. Christian close behind.

"What is wrong with you, we've been her ten minutes and you have yet to say anything to me. What did I do?" Her response didn't come as quickly as he had hoped, he ran a frustrated hand through his hair. Staring at the back of the female as she ran cold water in her hands.

" What are we?" Her words left her mouth quiet, but still heard. A wave of anxiety hit her, hard when his hand slightly grabbed at her arm. The stiffness in her body not going unnoticed.

"We are whatever you want us to be lovebug, but-" he started before bringing her in for a much needed hug, on both ends.

"Yeah?" She mumbled against his chest.

"Tell me.."

Silence filled the bathroom.

"Who hurt you?"
This is a filler chapter, the next one will be written, edited and publish hopefully by the end of this week, it all goes well. Sorry I haven't had time to upload but the imagine book is on the way, I've pre-written a few parts.

Have a good day you guys 😘

- Skye 💙

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