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Sorry for the wait you guys but I'm back with more QuAliTy CoNtEnT😗 💙

The look on Y/n's face crushed Ian's heart, soon after she was done fixing up her hand. Ian's slapped a fresh twenty on the table and gripped her hand as the walked briskly towards his black Bentley.

He opened her door, closing it behind her before jogging towards the driver's side. Never putting the key in the ignition.
He wanted to talk right now, weather it was a few words or a long story he just wanted some peace of mind.

Something to help him not feel so useless in this situation, he wanted to help; but Y/n wasn't helping with that.

He scanned her beautiful chocolate face, still as pretty as ever just...not as bright and happy as it once were.

They have been going on little dates for the past month and a half, their dates being the one thing he always looked forward to.

They were never intimate, but that one time, unfortunately they we're rudely interrupted. His eyes traveled from her face down her body, she wore a yellow romper that went nicely against her skin-tone and showed off her curves.

The cute sandels she wore went well this her white painted toes, she was just so beautiful without even trying.

But he still went unanswered just a simple 'take me home' but he wasn't satisfied.

"I'm not saying you have to tell me your whole life story, but I've gotten to know you well enough to know something's bothering you lovebug. Im not gonna pressure you but please, please don't leave me in the dark right now."

His voice never wavered so much before, it was embarrassing. He friends would call him weak but to him he was just voicing emotion honestly.

" M-my ex wasn't the best, he never treated me as well as you do. But I loved him more than anything, he never took me to dates like you do. He never told me how beautiful I am without him wanting something from me. He hurt me Ian, I don't want to hurt anymore." She hasn't spoken about the incident to anyone except her brother so she shocked herself at how willinglhy she was to open up to him.

She didn't realize she was crying until the tears were falling on to her hands. Ian wasn't very good with emotions but he felt he needed somebody, and the fact that she was telling him this proved she needed him right now. And he felt as though it was his duty to be there for the girl.

Christian pulled into his garage, Y/n couldn't help but notice the vast amount of other cars there; all expensive. But, the hurt she felt kind of clouded her interest.

"Are you coming?" After spilling her heart out to this man, he didn't grace her with a response just a long hug. Frankly, he didn't know what to say not how to elaborate on his feelings without sounding dickish, so he stayed quiet.

He stood in the garage doorway, arms crossed as he watched the women slowly get out of the car. She stopped crying as quickly as she started, not wanting to seem as weak as she felt. She slowly walked toward her awaited date, she hung her head in embarrassment. "I probably put too much on him at once." she thought to herself.

"I'm sor-"

" what are you apologizing for?" Christian's voice cut her off before she could get the words out. she had no reason to apologize, so the fact that she tried show's she believes she's done something wrong. Ian doesn't want his women to ever feel like she has to apologize for communication.


Hii soooo I lost alot of motivation but I'm BACK, and not only am I going to update more I have a new book coming out, be prepared 🙃-skye❤️

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