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After we finished eating dinner -which was mostly just potatoes- I talked him into giving me a tour of his castle.

"So it's just you living here?" I ask as we walk.

"No, the boys- I mean Liam, Harry, Zayn, and Louis all live here. I kicked them out for tonight." He admits, looking down, embarrassed. It was adorable!

"Well I think that's just adorable." I smile, poking his cheek.

"Have I already told you I like your hair?" He asks randomly after moments of silence.


"Well I do." He smirks.

"Thank you." I blush, looking at my feet to hide my red face.

"And you're cute when you blush." He continues.

Again I blush.

"Aww you're like a cute lil tomato." He coos, moving my hair out of my face.

"Stop making me blush!" I scold, laughing.

"C'mon you know you love it." He cheekily replies.

"I admit nothing." I say, trying not to smile.

We are now in his living room, in the middle of the room there is a big red couch, beside the couch is a matching over stuffed chair. In front of the couch is a massive flat screen t.v. on the wall. Next to the television there is stacks and stacks of movies and games.

"Wow." I say in awe.

"It's not that cool, Primrose." He laughs at me.

"Have you seen my apartment? It is probably the size of your closet." I remind him.

"That may be true, but still." He chuckles happily.

"Let's watch a movie!" He suggests getting excited.

"Sure... yeah. Movies are cool, I like movies." I whisper to myself.

I look up to see him raising an eyebrow at me.

"Don't judge me!" I defend myself.

"I could never judge you, love." He says sincerely.

"Okay, but we can't watch a Disney movie, I can't cheat on Steve like that." I tell him.

"Steve?" He looks confused.

"My roommate/ best friend." I explain.

"Are you two like..."

"Well I'm on a date with you, and he's gay... so that would be a no." I laugh.

"Oh." He sighs, looking relived.

"And to explain why we can't watch Disney movies, Saturday nights Steve and I have Disney night. So we make a fort in our living room and watch Disney movies all day and night while eating pizza." I explain without shame.

"That's... Interesting." He laughs.

"I'm not a normal person, Niall." I inform him in a flirty voice.

"It's okay, the boys and I have no pants day. It's a day where we go all day without wearing pants, unless we leave the house. Except once Louis didn't wear pants when we were in public..." He explains, thinking back.

"That's strangely awesome." I laugh.

"Pants suck." He shrugs. "Now what movie? Forrest Gump, Titanic, or Divergent, oh or Mama?" He asks.

"I-Umm, It doesn't matter. Yeah, I don't care, right? Yeah I don't care." I stammer, I'm not very good with decision making...

"I should probably stop asking you questions." He shakes his head and laughs.

"I'm not the best at answering them." I shyly admit.

"Okay, then Mama it is!" Niall cheers, holding up the scary movie.

I hate scary movies, but I'm not about to say something. If he wants to watch a scary movie with me, I'm perfectly fine with that. His glowing smile is worth not sleeping for weeks.


About half way through the movie I've given up on trying to watch it. I have made a little home behind a pillow and Niall's shoulder.

God, he smells good. His cologne probably costed more than my entire salary for a year!

"Oh, that is gross. Primrose, are you okay?" He asks, I can almost hear his smirk.

"I've never seen this movie." I admit sheepishly.

"And the way you're hiding you never will. Are you scared?" He asks with a small laugh.

"Psh, no." I lie horribly.

"C'mere." He chuckles, pulling me into his chest.

I try to watch it again but I only last about three seconds before digging my face back into his chest.

"It's not that scary."

"I scare easily." I shrug.

"I can tell, we should have watched Divergent. Shailene Woodly is ho- great." He catches himself.

"She is hot." I agree.

He bursts out into a beautiful fit of laughter.

"I'm tired."

"Then sleep." He whispers.

And so I do.


I updated 3 days ago but YOLO! So you're welcome.

GuyyySss wattpad is getting boring without all your beautiful comments:(

-> that's the second time I said yolo in this A.N

I hope you all like this book and in sorry if this is short I'll try to make it better if you don't like it, but the only way I can tell if you like it or not is if you comment:) please tell me if you like it or not! And if you don't like it tell me why or if you have any suggestions... Okay:)

Kik me! @Sophie_payne__



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