Part 8 Good Copy Bad Copy

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(Sorry for the long wait time)

(Y/n): Wait, Hold on...What do you mean you're the creator of the Omnitrix?

Albedo: It means what it means, now, Hand over the inferior copy, your days of playing the Hero are at an end

(Y/n): What?! You can't do that!

Albedo: Your Omnitrix is defective and is prone to a catastrophic malfunction

Ruby grabs his wrist and inspects the watch, checking for any aspects to see if it was broken.

Ruby: Not lately

Albedo: He has great luck or by now he would have ripped a hole in the fabric of the universe

Blake: I don't trust it, he could just be one of the White Fang with a semblance to copy abilities trying to trick you

(Y/n): Maybe...Why don't you show your face Albedo, feels a little crazy talking to myself

Albedo: If only I could, I am stuck in a sticky, smelly, sweaty, noisy, hungry, hairy, teenage human body constantly craving chili fries and scratching myself in places I suspect are inappropriate. You see, seven years ago when you intercepted the plans for the Omnitrix and created your inferior copy, your DNA became coded as the default of the watch, mine synchronizes across space and time with yours. You have become my default as well

They are all a bit taken aback by this information, the "interception of the plans seven years ago" must be referring to (Y/n)'s dream he had that fateful night. Yang tired of this entire arrangement decides to get all up in his face and confront Albedo.

Yang: Well which is it? Do you want the watch to fix it? or to keep the universe from falling apart

Albedo: Eh, Both!

Weiss: Since you build the Omnitrix, then tell us how it comes off

Albedo: Yes, I trust you all are versed in the practical applications of eight-dimensional quantum gravity monopole equations

They were all highly annoyed at his lack of corporation and obvious lies, they pulled out their weapons as a means to intimidate him or make him understand that they are not messing around. But he saw right through it.

Albedo: Very well, there are other ways to disarm you

He shoves Yang away from him and activates his Omnitrix. He turns into Jetray and quickly takes to the skies to swoops down and picks up (Y/n) and tries to fly away from the rest who all begin taking fire at him. (Y/n) activates his and transforms into Humungousaur, creating weight for him to drop back down, Albedo continues to fly above them and shoot neural shocks at them from a distance, one of them came close to slicing Yang's hair.

Albedo: You are not worthy to wear the Omnitrix!

He divebombs towards (Y/n), the speed of the impact knocks him down and creates a massive crater, Albedo stands before him and prepares to finish him off with a neural shock. Thankfully a Gunfire hits Albedo from behind caught him off guard, he turns around to see team RWBY taking aim at him, this gave (Y/n) a window of opportunity to catch him and hold him down.

(Y/n): Give up! I'm better at this than you

Albedo struggles for a bit before hitting the Omnitrix on his chest, he transformed into Goop and turned his body highly acidic, burning (Y/n) and slipped right through his grasp, he quickly made his way towards Team RWBY to get them out of the way. He got close to them and changed form once again.

 He got close to them and changed form once again

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