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Lilly lets a sigh of annoyance out, knowing that she needs to hold two further full horrible hours of stress and patient back as she gazes with crossed arms listless at the clock above her. Except work, school has its own diversified areas and not like work where you're supposed to torture yourself through monotone tasks.

But the worst of all have practicians. These are the ones who really either no one needs or the ones who can't even finish a task without being disturbed every single second, like Lilly.

Well here she is, wasting her youth at the reception while she gazes at the guests that are leaving the hotel with a staple of maps in their hands, gossiping about the Feria which is an obvious must-have seen festival here in Madrid.

"Lilly, two towels please!"
Here she goes again, forcing smiles and going through the work that is assigned to her. Her main responsibilities include the check in- and outs, in other words, the shitty work. But this doesn't matter to Lilly since she would leave in few weeks anyway and that would certainly be her last internship. She swore it to herself.

Her stomach starts to rum, as if it would eat itself in any second. Finally, 4 pm. Happily but exhausted, Lilly drags herself when she suddenly hears her colleague's high-pitched voice: "Lilly!"

Carmen approaches her with a bright smile, gasping slightly, while Lilly prays to god that she doesn't need to work overtime.
"Lilly my dear, look, do you see him?" She points at a boy that is standing far away.

"Yes." Lilly nods kindly.
Carmen pulls rapidly a little card out of her jacket.
"Look, this card is the key for all the doors that we have in our hotel. The boy, you just saw, is responsible for the posting of escape and rescue route plans within guests rooms. Since we have many clients from Germany and this guy apparently don't seem to know German, I want you to join him and speak in his place.

"But what should I say?" Lilly asks confusedly.

"Just ask for entrance and explain, well, mention the reason for your coming. The blond haired guy will stay with you throughout the whole procedural,- all you need to do is to open the doors for him with this card."

Carmen points at it and hands it to
her while she asks: "Got it?"
Unsure, Lilly stares at Carmen as she bobs her head in understanding.

"Super! I have to go now, I count on you, sweetie." She smiles brightly and rushes to the reception.

The 19-year-old Lilly wouldn't describe herself as an introvert like her family members or friends usually do, but she has to admit that a slight piece of anxiety built up in the inside of her while approaching this teen. Not because she is shy or anything, but because he seemed kinda familiar and the least thing of all would be to meet someone she knows. But then she thought

Familiar? Me? Here in Spain?


With casual work clothes, a messy bun and a plastered forced smile, she approaches the teenager.
Just when she extended her hand in attempts to greet him, the card in her hands fell, causing both teens to bent  and bump their heads slightly against each others.

In a slow movement, Lilly lifts her chin, to only see his gaze fixed on her. The rapid heart beat starts to slow down as Lilly's eyes are locked with the light blue ones of his, embraced by a feeling of strong trust and belief, as if she has known him all her life.

Light, yellowish tousled hair, eyes clear and cool as raindrops and elegant looking clothes.

A type just how she liked.

The tough teen stands up, unintentionally ignoring his offering hand to help, making the corners of the young males lift into an amusing grin.

"Hey, my name is Lilly, I hope we get well along," she responds optimistically, kinda unsure of how to start the conversation without getting embarrassed. Her eyes are landing on his elegant silk blouse while she asks herself how he can endure the glowing sunbeams during this heavy heat.

He tugs on his collar and responds: "I hope I can understand you well. You know, my English is not the best, it's a little broken." He replies, a dimple showing up.

"Oh, no problem, mine is also upgradable." Lilly smiles and both begin to start with the work, heading together towards the first doors.

"So, how old are you? He asks, running his hand through his soft  hair and sticks the maps.

"I am 19, but my friends always say that I look like 12." Lilly shyly replies.

Pao tilts his head slightly to the side, and replies with a smile of amusement: "Well, I have to agree with your friends."

Lilly chuckles at his response and asks excitedly: "How come you work here?"

"To be honest, my parents wanted me to attend a part-time job for this vacation, so I decided to come together with my friends to Spain. I normally work in an IT department in Mallorca, where I actually come from."

Lilly stares at Pao surprisingly, impressed by the fact that his parents allow him that, unlike her strict ones. Questions automatically built up in her mind and the excitement within is rising. Lilly didn't want to admit it, but he had something bizarre, something mesmerizing, that the young girl wanted to gain. Some odd attraction that caused her to not stand still. For the first time in her life, she wanted to interact. She wanted to know him.


"So…that would be the end for today." Pao lets a sigh of relief out, stretching his hands highly up while waiting for the snack he just bought of the vending machine.

"You know you can go home, right? It's already 4 pm, or... do you want to still work with me?"

Lilly wasn't aware of how fast the time flew with the young male by her side, and it didn't bother her. Quite the reverse. She would rather spend her time outside the reception. She wanted to stay with him even if it was for a half of an hour, but Lilly's pride was keeping her from staying, so she just replied simply with: "Yeah, you're right. I probably should go." Lilly scratches her nose. "Well, it was nice meeting you. Goodbye."

The young lady watches him for a second, remaining for a response. When she still didn't receive an answer, she turned her back on him, headed towards the reception while waving. Weird, she thought.

"Tomorrow at 10 am." Pao commands, making Lilly stop her movement right away and turn her head slowly towards his to only see Pao's gaze fixed on her.

"Pardon...?" Lilly asks unconfidently, confused by his raw, clearly pronounced statement.

The teenage boy approaches Lilly and hands a sheet towards her, while the corners of his lips form into a winning grin.

Lilly's eyes land on the piece of paper
"Well, this is in Spanish, what does it mean?" She questions confusedly, eyebrows slightly knit.

"Well, it means that you have to be with me." To work with me for the rest of the week, I mean."

Pao runs a hand through his hair, watching how Lilly skims the paper rapidly as she realizes that the young male indeed said the truth. She had to work with him from now on, for the rest of the week, from the morning till the afternoon. A sigh of relief escapes her mouth, pleased by the fact that the weekend isn't included. That meant five days in total, written by her beloved tutor, Ana Fernandez.

"I pick you up at the same time as I did today." Pao says, cutting Lilly's thoughts. Without letting her say any other word, the young teen turns around, leaving the 19-year-old Lilly proudly with the same gesture as she did. Rising his hand and waving through the hallway.

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