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~William's POV~

The soft breeze against my skin mixed with the tickle of the grass against the lobes of my ears makes time seem nonexistent. Like there's no one else in the whole world.

Looking at the low clouds against a night sky, fills me with an emotion somewhere between lonely and content. Something like being awake at night and listening to the silence wrapped in old knitted blankets; something beautiful but numbing all at once.

How long have I been here? Sitting up I rub my hands across my face to rid my eyes of the blurriness

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How long have I been here? Sitting up I rub my hands across my face to rid my eyes of the blurriness. I really should invest in a watch. Slapping my hands against my front and back pockets I realise I've left my phone in my bag back at Carlisle's. It should be safe to go back now, the girls should be finished with Bella's hen night......Carlisle should be back soon after Edward's stag due...maybe a few more hours here won't hurt.

Laying back down against the damp grass I place one arm behind my head and close my eyes. A few more hours...only a few more hours.

How we were (Carlisle Cullen x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now