Another Story Announcement (Sorry)

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Hey again everyone!! We've reached 15K reads which is absolutely insane for me. I was expecting maybe 100 at most. Thank you all for your continued support and for being awesome, amazing, lovely people. I'm about to do some shameless plugging, so if you really don't want that, you can completely ignore this.

If you're still reading, thank you, thank you, thank you. I really don't know how to get people to read my stories - if you look at the amount of reads on my other stories, it's somewhat pathetic. Anyone have any suggestions for how to put myself out there? Or you might even consider checking those out too :)

Specifically, I have one (1) story that isn't fanfiction (I know, I know, that's practically nothing. I have actually several stories that aren't fanfiction that I've started and left hanging, but this one has real potential). It's called The Magic in the Dungeons, which is not a permanent name, just a filler. It would mean the world to me if you would read it, give me some tips on how to spread it, or just pm me some writing advice. 

Whatever you do (even if it's nothing, that's totally cool), you all are fantabulous, and thanks for everything. Love every single one of you.


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