Cowards and Consequences

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Hey guys! I'm sitting in the airport way too early in the morning. I might make a few more mistakes than usual, so please ignore them. Thanks for sticking with this.

Tony raised his hand above the door, hesitating for a second.

"If this kid doesn't know anything-" he glanced uncertainly at May. 

"Then he'll be a little scared, but fine," May rang the doorbell for him. A boy opened the door, glaring. It wasn't Mark but it seemed like a friend.

"What?" His eyes widened, "Oh my god, Mr. Stark! What brings you here? Is it for my project?"
"What project? Who are you?" May stepped between them.

"Hello, May," the boy glanced distastefully at the woman. Tony bristled. Then the boy's attention was back on him."My name is Flash. I sent in a project to your towers...?"

"I'll personally review your project if you let me see Mark," Tony lied.

"Uh, yeah, sure, come in!" Flash stammered. Mark was sitting on the couch, playing video games.

"Who the hell did you let into my house, Flash?" Mark asked angrily, not taking his eyes from the screen. 

"Piss off, Mark," Flash snapped, "It's Tony Stark."

"I'd like a word with you, Mark," Tony said seriously, "May, if you'd take Flash to another room, for his safety of course."

Mark paused the game, looking at Mr. Stark for the first time and noticing May's presence as well.

"I didn't hit Peter first! I should press charges on him!" The words were confident, the tone was not. Tony looked pointedly at May at she muttered something unflattering, grabbed Flash's arm, and dragged him from the room. Tony turned his full glare on Mark. He wasn't used to being angry (usually he was lonely, or sad) but right now he could feel the fury boiling just underneath his skin. Mark whimpered.

"Please don't press charges," he pleaded. His begging did nothing to inspire mercy in Tony, but it did remind him why he was here. 

"I'm here about something much more dangerous," Tony said, "Have you been in contact with anyone who wanted Peter's blood for any reason?"

Mark seemed ready to pee himself, "It was the tiniest amount of blood, just some from my knuckle when I... uh.. when I was using self defense. What harm could that do?"

"Peter has been kidnapped," Tony informed him, and Mark shivered.

"I didn't know, I swear!"

"Tell the people you want to meet them where you met them before," Tony ordered.

"Why?" Mark asked, his fear of the mob more than his fear of Tony.

"Or else way more serious charges can be pressed," Tony warned. "Not to mention the things I can do outside of the law."

Mark picked up his phone with trembling fingers.

"We meet these people at midnight, behind the falafel place on Mark's street," Tony said. "We take them, and force them to tell us where the mob's headquarters are. Then we go in, guns blazing, and rescue Peter."

"Okay," May said slowly, "But what about Pepper?"

"I'm trying not to think about it," Tony groaned, burying his head in his hands, "I'm gonna get her too."

"What if it comes to a choice between the two of them?" May asked, her voice suspicious.

"I don't know, May," Tony gazed at her sadly, "I don't know. God I love Peter, but I love Pepper too."

"Listen to me, Mr. Stark," May said in a steely voice, "If it comes between Peter and Pepper, you are saving my son."


"No, don't 'May' me," May growled, "You will save Peter, or you will die trying."

May's a little harsh here, but her son has been kidnapped so we should give her allowances. Thanks for reading!

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