Chapter 3

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     Midoriya turned just as Bakugo stalked up to him.

    "Sorry Kacchan. I fell down the stairs."

    "Why the Fuck are you up so late anyway?"

    Midoriya looked down at his phone.

    "I need to show this to Aizowa sensei."

    Bakugo snatched up the phone. He read the message. "What the Fuck Deku?"

    Midoriya took his phone back. "I need to get the teachers on this as fast as I can."

    Midoriya heads outside and starts running towards where the teachers would be sleeping. He sways and almost falls, but he is caught by Bakugo. "I'm coming with your useless Ass. You can barely walk."

    "Thanks Kacchan"

    "Don't thank me. I'm only doing this because your a Deku."

    They reached Aizowa's room. Midoriya sat against the wall. Bakugo knocked on the door. Aizowa opened the door. "Bakugo, this better be important."

    Bakugo thrust his hand at Midoriya who was now hunched over trying not to throw up in the hall. "Your Fucking test lied. Read this."

    Bakugo handed Aizowa Midoriya's phone. He read the conversation and looked at Midoriya. "Come on." He helped Midoriya to his feet and brought him to the nurses office.

    Midoriya hurled almost as soon as he entered the room. "Gah, Fuck Deku."

    Bakugo jumped out of the way. He happened to be standing beside him. Aizowa helped get Midoriya onto a bed and sent Bakugo to go find Recovery Girl. Recovery Girl came by later with Bakugo. She checked all of Midoriya's vital signs then told him to get some rest.

    Teacher conference room(next morning)

    All of the teachers were sitting in the conference room. They were trying to decide the best course of action with Midoriya. If Toga was right and there was only one antidote then he would die. They couldn't give him to the villains either. Principle Nezu finally spoke up.

    "I believe the best course of action would be to bring him to where the villains are hiding."

    The hero's eyes widened in shock at his decision. All Might was against the plan. "But they're villains!"

    Principle Nezu nodded. "I know, you didn't let me finish. I will talk to the support course. I will work something out so that we will be able to track him. I'll make sure he is as safe as he can possibly be with them."

    The other teachers nodded and decided that that was the best course of action.

    Two days later

3rd person

    Midoriya was awful. His face was now pale with a sickly green shade to it. The rash had spread from his back to his arms and neck. He was running a 102 degree fever and couldn't stomach anything. Principle Nezu walked into the room. Midoriya looked at him and gave him a weak smile.

    "Midoriya, the support course recently finished these." Principle Nezu held up a few items. Midoriya looked at them in confusion. Principle Nezu walked up closer to him. He had some contacts and a few tiny chip things. Recovery Girl walked in and stood beside Principle Nezu. "We're not able to treat whatever this is. We decided to let you go to get the antidote."

    Midoriya widened his eyes. Principle Nezu saw his fear. "Don't worry, We're going to put trackers on you so we can rescue you as soon as you get the cure." This seemed to relieve Midoriya.

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