Chapter 1

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[15th September 1998]

"Why? Mama, I don't want him to leave!" Magnus stamped with his foot on the ground pouting while Alec stood next to him not feeling like saying anything.

"Baby, he is old enough to go into kindergarten now and you're not. You can still spend time together after school." Eva explained with a warm smile feeling sorry that the two boys had to be separated but they couldn't really change it.

"I hate it! Why couldn't I have been older?" Magnus yelled while he ran off leaving Alec with his mother. Alec sat down on the ground while a huge sigh left his lips.

"You two will be fine. You just won't see each other for a couple hours, you still live next to each other." Eva really didn't like to see the two boys so sad and hurt but some things they just had to accept.

"You don't get it, Magnus and I do everything together. I don't want to go to school without him." Alec said really sad he wouldn't be with Magnus anymore. Alec got up from the ground and waddled to Magnus' room.

Magnus and Alec were best friends and always played together so it was really hard that it would stop now. Alec stood in front of Magnus' door, knocked, and then pushed the door open before he got an answer.

"Magnus?" Alec called out scanning the room that looked so huge to his eyes. "Magnus isn't here." Alec could clearly hear that his best friend was upset and he wanted to make it better. "Oh...where did he go? Did the zombies eat him?" Alec tried to cheer up the mood but he wasn't the best at it which caused Magnus to stick his head out from under his blanket looking unimpressed.

"You know zombies don't exist." Magnus answered pulling the blanket over his head again before his best friend would see he was crying but it was too late. Alec's lips turned downwards as he crawled onto the big bed sitting next to Magnus who was sniffing a little.

"I'm sorry that I'm older Magnus, but we can still play when I get home from school." Alec laid his hand down on what he guessed was Magnus' head and Magnus shyly looked through a tiny gap.

"You're gonna find new friends and forget me." Magnus hiccuped and Alec's face turned serious as he placed a hand on his heart feeling pretty offended. "There is no way I'd forget you! You are my best friend and we will always be best friends!" Alec said with the honest eyes of a 5 year old and Magnus looked hopefully at him. "

You promise?" Magnus asked while removing the blanket from his body. Alec smiled at Magnus and stuck out his pinky finger. "Pinky promise." Alec answered smiling brightly when he saw the face of his best friend light up.

"Best friends...always and forever", Magnus giggled locking his pinky finger with Alecs and all trouble was already forgotten.

[25th January 2007]

It was around 3am when the ringing of Alecs phone ripped him out of his sleep and he shot up. He quickly grabbed his old mobile phone he got from his dad just this year and he didn't take a second to answer.

"Magnus...why the heck are you calling...i..." "He's dead...Alexander he's dead." Magnus was choking from sobbing and Alec was confused as hell, still not awake.
"Who is dead? Magnus I swear if that's one of your dumb jokes I'm..." "THIS ISN'T A JOKE. Rafe is dead...please...please come." Magnus cried out not believing that he just had to tell his best friend that his brother died.

Alec felt the blood freeze in his veins as his heart missed a beat and he gulped not able to move. For a few minutes everything was quiet, no one said anything but Magnus' sobs filled the silence and Alec jumped off of his bed.

"I'm gonna be there...give me 5 minutes. Are you at home?" Alec asked pulling a hoodie over his head and feeling how tears filled his own eyes. He had no idea what was going on. A few minutes ago he was sleeping peacefully, now his best friends brother was dead and Magnus needed him.

"No...I'm in the hospital...please...I need you." Magnus could barely speak feeling his chest tighten and tears run down his cheeks like a waterfall.

"Okay...Magnus, listen, just stay where you are. I'm gonna be..."
"Alec...what the heck are you doing?" Robert asked looking madly at his son because he got woken up by the shuffling steps in his son's room.

"I don't have time for this! You need to drive me to the hospital, now!" Alec knew he shouldn't speak like that to his father but he had no time for being respectful. The only thing he could think about was Magnus.

"Wh...Alexander Gideon Lightwood! What the hell is going on?" Robert stopped Alec by putting a hand on his shoulder and Alec aggressively spun around. "Rafe is dead! That's what's going on! Now you either drive me to the hospital or I'll run there." Alec yelled tears rushing down his cheeks and Robert stood there in shock not believing what his son said.

Magnus sat in the hallway of the hospital trying to wake up from this horrible nightmare but it was useless. "Magnus...Magnus!" Hearing this voice was almost an instant relief. Magnus snapped his head up and saw Alec running to him. "Alexander." Magnus sobbed out while throwing himself into Alecs arms and Alec hugged him tightly.

"He's dead...they...they said he...he left." Magnus cried holding onto his best friend for dear life and both broke down in tears. Rafael Bane passed away at the age of 12 after getting hit by a car while he was sneaking out of the house after an argument with his mother...//tbc

ohh what a tragic way to start the new ff...don't expect the next chapter to start any better😅🙈 what do you think after the first chapters of the new ff?❤️

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