Chapter 2

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[2nd November 2009]

"It's his time...Alexander. I know we will get through need to say goodbye though. I'm here for you. Always and forever, remember?" Magnus tried to comfort his best friend but it was useless and again, they were in a hospital.

Alec started to hate this place because since last year they were here almost every day. Max, Alecs little brother, was born with a congenital heart defect, also known as a congenital heart anomaly or congenital heart disease which is a problem in the structure of the heart that is present at birth.

90% of the children diagnosed with a congenital heart defect reach the adult age but Maxs heart defect was two big and they gave him not more than 4 years. Max was 10 now but he only lived 9 of them because his heart wasn't working right anymore.

Yesterday his heart stopped, now he was in a coma and the doctors told them there was only a 2% chance he would wake up. Maryse and Robert decided two hours ago that Max should be set free from the pain. They wanted their son to finally be at peace and even if it was the hardest decision they ever had to make, they knew their youngest son would be in a better place.

"You can say goodbye to Max. The doctors will be here in 20 minutes." Maryse said coming out of the hospital room with her hair a mess. Maryse usually always took care of her appearance but the last year in the hospital hurt her badly and she didn't look like the strong woman Magnus used to know.

Alec walked inside the room, his hands shaking terribly while tears ran down his cheeks. He loved his little brother so much and having to let him go now was the worst feeling ever. It was like you're heart was set on fire and burned your body from the inside.

Magnus never left his best friends side during this time knowing exactly what it was like to lose your brother and Max was like his brother too. The doctors came in to shut down the life support machines but they gave the family as much time as possible to say goodbye.

Alec sat down on the edge of Max's bed, placing the little teddy he gave Max only a week ago on his brothers chest while Izzy buried her face in her fathers chest. "It's okay, baby. You can let can find your peace." Maryse said holding her sons hand tightly while caressing his cheeks with her other hand.

Max fell asleep on November 2nd at 3pm in the presence of his loved ones and never woke up again.

The weeks after that were horrible but Magnus was always there for Alec, supporting him to get over the unbearable pain of losing his little brother.

[5th June 2011]

It was 1am on a hot sunday night in the middle of the summer and Magnus and Alec laid outside under the stars.
"Magnus?" Alec asked, his eyes glued on the cloud free sky that was sparkling with thousands of stars. Magnus hummed in response.

They laid on the soft grass in Alecs garden enjoying the summer night and waiting for the comet shower. "Aren't you scared sometimes? About having your first time?" Alec asked feeling comfortable talking about it with Magnus.

After all, Magnus was his best friend and they could talk about everything with each other, no matter what topic. "To be honest...not really. I mean I did it with Kate...but I'm scared to do it with a guy." Magnus answered keeping his eyes on the stars and Alec turned his head to watch Magnus.

Magnus knew Alec was gay and Alec knew Magnus was bisexual for 2 years now but no one else knew. They both were so nervous to tell each other but in the end they both cracked up laughing and got even closer.

"What if I regret it or what if I'm so nervous about my first time that I mess it all up?" Alec asked doing what he always did, overthinking it. Magnus turned his head staring back in the eyes of his best friend.

"I'm sure you won't mess up. You should just stop overthinking everything and just do it." Magnus answered knowing it was easier said than done but Alec needed some faith in himself and Magnus wanted to help him.

"Pf...I'm 17 and still haven't touched a guy...not even kissed." Alec huffed turning his head back to the sky as his cheeks heated up from embarrassment. Suddenly, Magnus sat up and said,

"I have an idea. You want to know what's it like to do it with a guy and I want to know too. Why don't we just do it together?" Magnus asked not overthinking anything and just blurting out his thoughts making his best friend sit up in shock.

"What do you mean?" Alec asked shocked but also pretty curious and Magnus shrugged. "We could just try things out with each catching feels and we can figure out what we want in bed." Magnus suggested his ideas like always only half thought through and Alec wasn't sure.

He and Magnus were best friends and what if one of them caught feelings? After thinking about it for a few minutes, Alec figured out that they were best friends and nothing more, so why not use it? They could have fun, find out what it was like to be intimate with a guy, and then use it in the future.

"Okay but no deep feelings, just figuring out." Alec answered. Magnus was almost jumping from excitement as he lifted up his pinky finger. "No deep feels, pinky promise." Magnus answered while Alec chuckled and locked his pinky finger with Magnus'...//tbc

What do you think? Is Magnus idea good or bad? What would you have done if you were Alec? I hope you like the chapter even the start is sad again💜💜💜💜

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