Chapter 42

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"Daddy! I missed you!" Rafe shouted excitedly running to his Daddy grabbing onto Alecs legs his head only just reaching Alec’s hip. "Hey...I missed you too, my Baby." Alec chuckled ruffling his son’s hair causing Rafe to look up at him a pout on his lips. "I'm not a baby anymore! I'm already 6 and ¾ I’m soon to be 7!" Rafe complained as Alec bent down and picked Rafe up from the ground a questioning look on his face. "So you don't want me to read you a bedtime story tonight and you will sleep in your bed the whole night?" Alec asked knowing all the answers and Rafes eyes widened before he nuzzled his nose in Alecs neck. "I'm a baby." Rafe mumbled making everyone laugh and Alec caressed Rafes back.
 "Thanks for taking care of him...I owe you a lot." Alec was always thankful for the help of his family and friends and he was even more thankful for Simons help. He and Simon weren't the best of friends at first but at some point Alec realised how happy he made his sister and stopped trying to protect his sister. After a while Alec started to give him a chance and eventually found that Simon was infact a great guy, and now that Rafe was in his life he made the time to watch all the star wars movies with him which Alec was so grateful for as he didn’t have the time or patience for the franchise. "No need to thank us, It's nice to see him and he has so much adoration for star wars." Simon replied updating Alec about what they had done in the day before Simon waved goodbye and walked back to the car parked down the street. "Was the movie good?" Alec asked once they had entered the apartment, Alec heading straight to the bathroom, placing Rafe on the toilet whilst he turned around turning the taps on letting water flow in the bathtub. "It was amazing! Uncle Simon is the best." Rafe exclaimed but that meant nothing because his favourite uncles changed like his underwear and Alec made sure he changed it every day.
"I'm happy you liked it. Why didn’t Aunty Izzy join you?" Alec asked pouring in the bubblebath into the tub, the water turning blue watching as Rafe shook his head. "Nope, she went to the doctor or something...I think she is sick. Uncle Simon said she threw up this morning." Rafe shrugged having already taken his clothes off as he hopped into the warm water, totally unaware of the questions now running through Alec’s head. “Aunty Izzy was sick? She threw up? In the morning?” "Yup that's what Uncle Simon said." Rafe answered knowing that his daddy had spoken out loud again, causing Alec to roll his eyes a little. Damn it, he normally had his inner monologue under control, he was obviously distracted this time. "Rafe I need to tell you something." Alec hadn’t forgotten that he had to tell Rafe the truth now and the sooner he did it the better. He knew that if he told Rafe it would be better than waiting, Rafe was still full of wonder from the Movie and calm due to the hot bath he was in. The timing couldn’t be more perfect. "Okay." Rafe replied looking with his huge teddy eyes at his Daddy and Alec sighed, sitting down next to the tub. Alec took a deep breath. "There once were two young boys and they were the best friends. They did everything together and never left each other alone...but then one day they fell in love." "The two boys fell in love?" Rafe asked a little confused,  even though gay couples were pretty common in their society Rafe had never really been around anyone who was gay apart from Alec and he hadn’t mentioned this to his son just yet. "Yes and one boy was a moonchild and the other boy was a sunchild but even if they wouldn't have been it doesn't matter. Love is love you know that, Baby." Alec explained not going too much into detail and Rafe nodded playing with the foam bubbles. "They slowly became more than friends but then something happened..." Oh hell Alec had no idea how he should tell his six year old son about the birds and the bees. How did his father tell him? How do you tell a 6-year-old boy about it without traumatising them? "What happened? Daddy, what happened?" Rafe asked excitedly splashing a bit water around and Alec decided that Magnus would have been way better in this situation. "Well they were so in love with each other that the universe decided to send them a little know like Aunty Clary has a little angel in her stomach." Alec was proud of himself how he walked around the fire and didn't step right in it but of course Rafe had more questions. "Ooo! What happened then? What happened with the little angel? Were they happy?" Rafe asked giddily almost jumping up out of the water causing it to splash about getting Alec wet causing him to chuckle but slowly his heart started to ache, fear creeping into him, knowing what he had to do.
"They were very young baby...only 19 years old. People don't think about having angels at that age. The boy who carried the little angel was so very worried that the other boy was going to miss out on everything that he wanted to do as he grew up because little Angels can be hard work and a hand full.  Because he was scared, he did what he thought was right...he set the other boy free." Alec explained tears filling his eyes his heart-breaking as painful memories slipped back into his mind. "What? Why… why did he do that? That's not a good story, Daddy. I don't like it!" Rafe said sadly crossing his arms over his chest and foam flew through the air. "I know baby but listen. 7 years went by, the little angel had grown up in that time and suddenly the two young boys met again although this time they were now grown adults.
"Ohh Yay...What happened daddy… Did he find out? Did the young boy meet his Pappa? Was the Pappa mad at the daddy for hiding him? Did the Pappa stay, oh please tell me he stayed?"
Rafe questioned, completely over the moon that the little boy had his Pappa came back, but the questions did the opposite to Alec, he suddenly felt sick, did the papa stay? Would Magnus stay? Magnus had never said he would stay. Magnus had his whole life in San Francisco...which was like 100 miles away. What if he decided to go back there, or what if he said he would visit Alec and Rafe but then the novelty wore of, him losing interest, what then? There were so many open questions that he just didn't have answers for yet. How could he let his son get all excited about his Pappa without having the basic of answers for him, he could not let him down like that now could he? He had to protect his son and he couldn't tell him...//tbc

ohhh a lot of stuff happened in that chapter right? 😳😳😳💙💙💙💙

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