Chapter 23

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He felt his knees give way as he struggled with the pain emenating from his arm. "Dr. Lightwood." A nurse shouted as she ran over to him kneeling in front of him. "Ahhhhh." Alec screamed out in distress his hands going to his head, and hunching over as he started to cough violently the strange taste of metal in his mouth. "Get a stretcher. NOW!" The nurse yelled to the others around her as Alec started to cough up blood.

"Rafe...tell...tell him..." Alec tried to speak causing him to cough more causing blood to pool in his mouth as the nurse watched on helpless. "Tell him what? Tell Rafe what?" The nurse questioned shaking Alec, his hand falling from him mouth, speckled with blood. Alec felt like he was dying but he wasn't scared of death, sure he was scared of leaving his son and the notion that he may never get the chance to see him grow up but not of death itself. Two more minutes passed, him writhing in pain and coughing up more and more blood but then suddenly everything stopped and a sense of calm washed over him.

"Tell him I'm sorry." Alec answered before he fell unconscious a content smile on his lips."Dr. Lightwood! Dr. Lightwood!" The nurse yelled trying to shake Alec awake but to no avail. Alec had always expected to just see nothing or he expected it to be like you were asleep but it was nothing like that. He opened his eyes but he wasn't in the hospital room and neither was he was in his body. He couldn't walk or move, he could only watch what happened right in front of his eyes. The second he saw where it was he knew what this was about and tears started to fall down his face.


It was a warm summer's day and the birds were singing beautiful songs in the garden at the back of the Bane house. Alec and Magnus were hanging out together in the hammock under the shadow of the big tree. Alec was lay in between Magnus legs reading his book, whilst Magnus was dozing; Alecs body providing him warmth, a content smile playing on his lips.

"Magnus! You need to hear this!" Alec exclaimed excitedly tugging on Magnus arm that was wrapped protectively around his stomach, Magnus squinting his eyes open.

"I'm awake...I'm awake." Magnus chuckled loving how excited Alec got whenever he found a new favorite book making a small dusting of blush grace his face. "Tell me...what's making you so excited?" Magnus said softly, his fingers making small patterns on Alecs stomach; his fingers brushing over soft skin, the movement making him shiver ever so slightly.

"Maybe we'll meet again, when we are slightly older and our minds less hectic and I'll be right for you and you'll be right for me. But right now, I'm chaos to your thoughts and you are poison to my heart." Alec spoke his voice soft as he relay the words from his book and Magnus listened carefully, a frown forming on his forehead. "Oh... That's quite sad when you listen to it?" Magnus sighed hugging Alec closer to his body making Alec turn his head slightly so he could look at Magnus.

"I like this one better: I will love you as long as the sun burns in the sky, as long as the moon shines its light into the dark night, until the raging blue ocean becomes calm and still. I will love you until the end of the time." Magnus whispered into Alecs neck his voice filled with love and his eyes sparkled with hope and future promises, the intensity making Alec blush furiously not expecting something like that. "I love you, Alexander." Magnus added after a few seconds of silence and Alec shyly gazed into Magnus eyes.

"I...I love you too." Alec stuttered his heart slamming in his chest making Magnus smile softly before he dipped his head brushing his lips over Alecs making both of them sigh with happiness.

Both knew that what had just been said was special. It wasn't the first time they had said those three words, but it was the first time that it held far more meaning. Those three words would stay with them both, neither forgetting the true feelings behind them.

[End of the Memory]

"Alec! ALEC WAKE THE HELL UP, YOU IDIOT!" Caterina shouted as she shook Alec's shoulders, rousing him from his unconscious state. Slowly he blinked his eyes open, his entire demeanour calm and relaxed. "There you are...I was so worried!" Caterina exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around him. He wasn't in pain and his skin wasn't burning anymore but he was felt a hunger. His mind was a mess and the worst mess was the broken state of his heart.

The memory had been so beautiful and he would never forget it but it also hurt like hell. It hurt like hell to see how happy he and Magnus used to be but that it was long lost. "Can you tell me what happened?" Caterina asked gently as she pulled back from the hug. Alec looked at her his eyes a little lost.

"He...he came back...he came back because of me." Alec answered his voice rough with emotion and on the brink of cracking but he tried to keep the tears at bay, he had never expected either emotion of pure agony at the destruction he had caused and the loss he had suffered, nor the overwhelming adoration and love he had for Magnus. He hadn't expected all it would take would be one glance into those eyes to feel like he now did, but the truth was he had never stopped loving Magnus, even after seven years his feelings had never changed, he still felt as strongly as he had back when they were young and completely lost in each other.

Alec had given his entire heart to Magnus and when he had left, his heart had gone with him and Alec had never given up hope that one day he would come back and bring with him his heart. Rafe had been the constant in his life, guiding and helping him live through the pain and not allowing if to rule his existence and get in the way of his relationship he had with his son. He had placed his emotions into a box and locked it up, giving Magnus the key, not knowing that when he would walk back in to his life it would be like Pandora's box had been opened up and Magnus had been the guiding light to his soul...//tbc

ohhh memories. Can they repeat again or are they a moment that passed? 😢😢💙💙💙

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