Kai The Peasant

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     In a small human kingdom that dwells upon an archipelago, lies the young but impoverished boy by the name of Kai. He lives in a small monastery hidden deep in the valley of Wai'anae. Years ago, the first action taken by the King was to eradicate all religion. So the monastery was turned into a school instead, so in the year 5E 210, all documents and scriptures were to be eradicated and all further studies of Mana were outlawed!

    Overtime, Kai became the only orphan at the school because they closed the orphanage and Kai was the only one that was never adopted.
Kai does not know much of his parents, and lives as an orphan at the school. Sadly, the innocent boy is slandered and bullied for being the only person, who believes in the forbidden religion of the 8 Gods of creation. Because he was raised around it until he was 10.

     The young boy's lack of hygene gets him mocked by the local villagers. Kai is also pointed out for how young he looks for his age and called a freak for having big muscles for a boy who looks so young. No one can seem to explain the strange occurrence that is Kai.

     Despite all the slander, Kai is a boy who always stays optimistic and always has hope no matter what. He dreams of becoming apart of the Na Koa Ali'i (The Royal Knights) and to one day meet his parents. Kai's deep trance of thought was suddenly interrupted when he hears a familiar voice calling out...

"HEY KAI!" yelled a young knight.

"Oh hey Keoni!" Replied Kai

"I see your still healthy as ever"

"Well, I guess poi and prayer really does work wonders"

"Indeed it does"

"What are you doing here?" Said Kai

"I'm here because of patrol duty... So I'll be here for a couple days"

"Are the nobles treating you well?"

"No not really...They still mock me as always but I'm used to it"

"Oof... Well I wish you the best of luck my friend!"

"As for you"

Then Keoni returns back to his duties...

     Keoni is a young man who grew up in the nearby village. He first met Kai when they went to school together. When they graduated, they both attempted the knights exam. Keoni barely passed and Kai failed bc he was a peasant and the Royal Knights do not allow peasants to become knights.

     Since then, Kai has been studying in the monastery to learn more about mana. Because of the King's decree, not much knowledge is kept.

     As Kai was cleaning the books, he stumbles across a really shabby looking book that had fallen behind the shelf. The book is so heavily damaged that he couldn't quite make out the title. So out of curiosity, he cracks open the book. Sadly, the ink on most of the pages were smeared, but he was able to make out some words on some of the pages. He was able to make out what it said on this one page.

     It said that in the ancient times, the Ali'i (King) used to walk through a waterfall on a certain point on the island to communicate with their ancestors for advice.

Before he could finish, the librarian yanks the book right out of his hands

"What is this!?!"

"Just a cool book I found"

She glares at the book and her jaw dropped.

"This is illegal! This will get us all killed Kai!"

Then she walks outside to the Imu (oven) and burns the book...

Kai is in shock...

"What's up with her?" Kai thought, "I wonder what that book was?'

The librarian returns and scolds "Stop fooling around and get back to cleaning before I call for the guards!!!"

"Yes ma'am" Kai quietly replies

As Kai dusts the books, he can't stop thinking about what he read.

Kai thinks, "It's a chance that I could learn about Mana and better yet... I could potentially learn about my parents!"

     So it was decided! Kai would travel to the waterfall to get the knowledge he seeks!

     Kai also thinks, "But it's too dangerous to travel through the jungle alone... I'll ask Keoni to accompany me! He's a knight after all!"

So he waited until lights out and he snuck out of his window and searched for Keoni.

Luckily, Keoni was still on patrol duty so Kai was able to catch up with him.

"Heyyyy Keoni!"

"Kai!?! You should be in bed!"

"I think I found away to find my parents!"

"No way really?"

"Yeah we just have to head to this waterfall that deeper in the valley"

"Alright I'll go, my duties are just about done and I'll need to head back to the capital anyway"

"Awesome!" Said Kai

"Wait... When are we going?"

"Now!" Kai yells


"Yeah let's go now before I get caught"

"I'm not supposed to leave my post until morning, but you know I'm down for anything, so I'll tag along to make sure your okay"

So Kai and Keoni shake hands and begin their journey to the ancient waterfall.

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