Salvador The Intellectual

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Salvador is a young man of the age of 16. He's the biggest nerd the world has ever seen. As well as Kai, he has a quest to discover the properties of mana but through science. He always wears nice clothes, but he always skips buttons on his shirt, wears his pants too high and wears some really wierd glasses. Salvador is also a  relatively new race of elf, known as a Lapis Elf.

Lapis Elves reside in the mountains far west of Yuhi. The Lapis Elves are elves who have defected from Yuhi in the third era. Lapis Elves are not a legitimate nation but just a series of villages that are carved into the mountain that's lead by a village elder. Lapis Elves stand for logic and philosophy while High Elves stand for religion and superstition. Lapis Elves are distinguished by their big forehead and skinny appearance.

Salvador is shunned at the fact he puts his studies over anything else. So in appearance, he always looks slouched and tired, and He's also very malnourished from lack of eating. Salvador also has very little to no social skills from not talking to anyone except his parents.

Recently, Salvador traveled to Nalunui to explore the very valley Kai and Keoni were headed. Of course, The King wasn't pleased to hear that someone wishes to study mana but he allowed it. Because he knew a foriegner couldn't survive in the jungle alone...

Tonight was a beautiful and calm night with a kāne moon bright in the nightsky. Salvador received a huge mana reading on his mana detector and he's following it to find the source.


"Whatever this is? It has a lot of mana! There's no way an organism is able to hold this amount of mana..." Salvador thought to himself.

Then off in the distance he hears a voice and notices a torch...

"How much father is it?" Keoni exclaimed.

"I don't know. I only saw a quick glimpse of the map in the book. The Librarian burnt it right after."

"So Kai... You're telling me to travel somewhere that may not even be real! All because you were flashed an image!"

"It's a chance to see my parents okay, so I'm willing to take the risk"

"Not to mention, It's a Kāne moon!
I don't know about you, but everyone knows never to travel during the last five moon faces!"

"Why not?"

"It's because..."

As Salvador attempted to investigate, he made one wrong step and Keoni was interrupted by some rustling in the fern. Keoni draws his sword and walks toward the sound...

"Who's there"

Salvador smiles, awkwardly waves and says "Umm... Uhh.. Hi... I'm Salvador... but you can call me Sal"

And Sal sticks his arm out for a handshake, Keoni just looks at him funny, so Sal puts his hand down.

"Okay Sal... Why are you here? this valley is forbidden to people like you!"

"Here!" Sal looks through his backpack, "I have permission by your king to investigate!"

Sal hands him the paper. Then Keoni looks at the paper and glares up at Sal...

"Well... this is real alright"

Then Keoni let's down his guard and sheaths his sword.

"What are you investigating?" Kai asked

"Well...uh... I'm... umm... studying the properties of Mana and my...uhh... detector here says there's a huge amount of Mana... heading this way!"

"See Kai!" yelled Keoni

"What do you mean?"

"Don't be so näive, there's..."

Then they were interrupted by the loud sound of drums and marching. The Mana detector goes through the roof.


"It's the Nightmarchers! we need to hide NOW!" Keoni Yells

So the group jumps into the fern and Keoni layed down on his stomach with his face to the ground and the others follow.

"Whatever you do, DO NOT LOOK AT THEM!"

"Why?" Kai asked

"Shut up!"

As Sal turns off the Mana detector they hear the smooth tone of a conch shell. However oddly enough, The Nightmarchers stop right in front of them...

"We're so dead..." Keoni whimpers and begins to cry.

Then the Captain walks up to Kai and picks him up... Then puts their foreheads together and breath the same air.

"This boy!" said the captain, "You may open up your eyes but only you for you are worthy..."

"What?" Kai questioned

"I don't know what to do and they're gonna kill Kai!" whimpers Keoni

Sal is in shock.

Then Kai decides to open his eyes and sees a slightly transparent knight with a wooden helmet with a blue cape.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!" Kai screams.

"Why can't I move!?! Kai's gonna die!!!" Keoni whimpers.

"You don't know do you?" Says the captain.

The captain puts Kai down on his feet...

"Go up the path and take a left at the lilikoi tree, it will take you to where you're headed." said the Captain.

Kai nods and the Nightmarchers continue their march to where the Heiau used to be. Once they couldn't hear the pounding of the drums, Keoni rushes to hug Kai.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Keoni asks

"Don't be such a baby, I'm ok"

Keoni's jaw drops.

"What's the hell is the matter with you?"

"It just seems you're... just a chicken!" says Kai.

Sal stands there in starstruck as Kai and Keoni argue.

"This is amazing, I have never read on anything like this before... The undead moving across the living plane... This is astonishing! I wonder how this could be!" Sal thought.

"What did they look like?" Keoni asked.

"Doesn't matter. The guy said only I could look, so you're not allowed to know"

"You're such a piece of crap, you know that!"

"Anyway... the guy gave me directions to the waterfall"

"How did he know where we're going?" Keoni questions.

"I don't know, what matters is that we know where we're going now"

"May I interject?" Sal Said, "I... Uh... wish to come along... If that's okay?" Whilst rubbing his arm.

Kai and Keoni looks at each other then look at him.

They both shrug their shoulders and Kai says "Sure! Why not!"

Now the trio marches off to the waterfall where Kai believes he can find some answers about his parents and the secrets of Mana...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2019 ⏰

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