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Unedited and very very vey short, My apologies.


"Well, well. It's about time you show up," Marisa Said, as I walked in the doctors changing room, " Sean is putting you on his wanted dead list."

"Guys, I just toke a day off."

"If you call that a day off forgetting the other two days then you are out of your medical mind." she said

"What happened anyways?" I ask.

"He's so mad, Especially the Chief ordered to postpone all of your operations which is in Sean Point of view is a complete waist of time and very risky for the patients." She said, and it hit that minute that I completely forgot all about my other Patients.

"Rose," Marisa called," It was his time to leave, it wasn't your fault."

"No it wasn't, it was Seans'," I exclaimed, "Sorry, I didn't mean to lash out. You have nothing to do with this."

She chuckled, "It's okay, I'm used to these kind of stuff."

"It's just if he minded his own Damn business, Not following his stupid arrogance and pride we wouldn't have lose that patient." I said, holding back the tears, "If Sean knew how his work should be done well, he wouldn't have mixed up his personal life with work."

"Calm down, Rose," She said, placing her hand on my shoulder with a small smile, "We all have our time, Maybe he saved him from his life here. You never know what was the reason for that Kid to leave."

Her beeper went off, "Oh, Well that's my cue. I'll catch up with you later."

Entering the Cafeteria was the hardest part knowing that I'll have to face all the people I hid from all day.

I walked over to the Can machine deciding all the way what should I drink, in the cause of only distracting myself from my other thoughts.

Just as I arrived I was looking for a coin in my pocket only to be altered with another hand putting in the coin for me, I turned my head to see Sean looking down on me as if waiting for something.

"Pepsi," I said, "Normal."

He pressed the button and I heard it fall, He picked it up and placed it in my hand still smiling.

"That was a long time to disappear, Don't you think?" He finally spoke

"Yeah, My apologizes for that."

I turned around about to walk away.

"You're not walking out on me, Rose" he toke a hold of my wrist.

"Sean what are-"

"Shh. Don't say a word."

"The Fuck is going on here?" I heard a familiar voice in my ears and soon felt like an iceberg fell on me. Harry.

"Sean, let go."

"Why?" Sean, "So you could do what ever the fuck you want?"

My beeper went off, "Let go of me, Sean."

"Just this time, Anderson." He said, through gritted teeth letting go of my now brusied wrist.

I turned around walking as fast as I could not to make a scene and away from Sean who caught me by surprise, a dreadful one which I feared to face yet another time.

"I leave you and come back to find this?" Harry spoke.

"Leave me alone, Harry."

"That, I won't do, My dear."

"I'm not in the mood to play, Harry." I said fighting back the the tears, "I need to do something about this and now is not the fucking time for you to mess around."

He looked disturbed by my words and actually turned his back on me and walked away without another word and walked out of the doors and that's when I realised through my few encounters with Harry, This was the first actual time he left like a normal person leaving in a moment of Anger.



"I need it, Chief." I said placing my hands on his desk, "The least you could do for me after that I have done."

"I still don't understand, we can't lose you." The Chief exclaimed, "What went wrong?, The patient?, You can't be serious, Anderson!"

"No, it's not that. I need to gain my life back!" I pushed myself backwards standing straight," At least, what's left of it!"

he hesitated for a minute with mouth open but words not coming out, and then he signed the paper.

"Thank you."

"It would be such a waste to lose someone like you, Rose." he said disappointed, "But good luck in your life."

I nodded my head with a slight smile and got out of the door walking away and out the doors of this damn hospital as a free bird.

I walked to my car inhaling and exhaling thinking to myself it's gonna be different this time until that thought was interrupted by an anonymous voice.

"Excuse me?"

I turned around to find hazel eyes starring right back at me, "Yes?"

"I'm asking about Harry Styles, You're his doctor right?"

"Was." I corrected him.

"Oh," He looked disappointed, "Thank you."

He gave away a slight smile and turned around and walked away.

"Liam," I looked beside me to find Harry say that name looking at the man who stood in front of me seconds ago, "He's Alive."


After a long time of waiting I present to you....*drum roll*...MY CHAPTEEER

Hope you enjoy it really and i really hope I receive feedback on this chapter cause I'm honestly sick of not having any feedback on anything truly.

Hope you enjoy it.

And WARNING: Unedited

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