Part 2 Rad x Shy!Reader x Yandere!Raymond

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Hey! Back again with a new chapter! Just a warning: There's Gore. Hope you enjoy! Requested by Allyson46073!

Storytime 2nd pov

You reenter the large factory with your snacks quietly, hoping not to disturb the still clam. A shiver cascades down your back focusing on your spine while you make your way to the lab to explore. None of the robots are around and Boxman is napping allowing you to gather some intel of importance. The room to where the robots are made is unlocked only containing Raymond. He watches you take notes admiring your beauty. When you begin to leave he harshly grabs your arm while asking to escort you wherever you're going. Dread covers you, but you comply. The two of you arrive at your room where Raymond asks if you would be going to the plaza prom. His words are urgent and commanding like if he was ordering you to go with him. Out of fear and pity you shyly decide to go with him. The prom is later in the day which means you need to go find a dress/tux. You choose one from a boutique in the eastern side of town. The colors flatter your body. You arrive at the party early to help set up while Raymond hangs back. He wants to have a dance off with Rad for some reason. While at the prom you are given many compliments from everyone there, including KO's mom! A skeleton named RMS chats up the night with you until Raymond arrives. Sadly he makes a fool out of himself and must leave without you. Finally the party ends with you gaining a friend. Over night Rms disappears from the town. In the morning no one can find him. Raymond trues to flirt consult you over it; however, it doesn't go over well.

Raymond/3rd pov (switching)

I tell (y/n) to go to the party with me then she gets chummy with some other guy just letting me make a fool out of myself????? How dare that skeleton try to take mY PLACE! When the party ended, I went to Rms' house with the new magic restraints I made, a place in mind, and a meat tenderizer. Rms sleeps peacefully on the way to the cabin, thankfully I have him chained up so if he does wake up, he can't hurt me. The chains that Raymond put on the poor skeleton don't allow him to use magic. I yell at my logical side to shut up while I drive. I arrive with no trouble and bring Rms to the basement. His body fits the metal table perfectly, just enough room to have my way with him. Raymond taps Rms lightly on the head to wake him up. Rms jumps, but slams back on the table. Fear fills both Rms and the little amount of sanity left in Raymond. Rms' heartbeat pounds in his mind as Raymond shows him the tenderizer. Raymond plays with Rms asking which place he wants Raymond to start. Cries fall out of Rms with curses and unusable spells. Tears fill the eye sockets of Rms, he just wants to return home to sleep. "You should have never touched them" A giggle escapes Raymond's lips while the pink red tone of insanity hazes in his eyes. Raymond takes the tenderizer to Rms' left foot. With a single smash, the foot is broken and Rms is already loosing his voice. Raymond; however, doesn't stop at this, he hits Rms' foot over and over until the bone marrow turns to dust. Raymond lets out tears falling to his knees, the sanity he has has taken over, overwhelming him. I can't let Rms go, he'll get me arrested. I have to leave him here. He looks at me with the same amount of terror that I look at him. I hang him by his wrists and leave the cabin. The dust is easy to get out of my clothes so I leave it be. I return to see (y/n) sleeping peacefully in their room with the door cracked open. A new urge gathers inside me, I enter the room take a few item and leave, not able to stand the person I am.
Everyday I lose a bit of my sanity.
Everyday I become more aggressive and harmful to (y/n).
Everyday I bring someone new to that awful cabin.
Everyday I take something of (y/n) 's.
Everyday (y/n) hates me more.
Everyday I die a little more inside.
Everyday. .
Everyday. . .
Everyday I become a larger monster than the last day.

everyday my sins are forgiven. right?

Day 26: That bear friend of Rms suspects that (y/n) is the cause of the disappearance. I need to teach him and everyone else a lesson. He comes willingly when I tell him that I think I have found Rms. He willingly falls into my trap, how gullible. The items I need are right where he can see them in the basement. When he enters, everyone tells him to run, but none of them can speak. He thinks they're asking for help. I grab the chains swiftly taking control of him in a matter of seconds. I chain him down before he can even fight back. Rms cries out for him to not be hurt, but I don't listen. I take my scalpel dragging it across his stomach. The skin splits evenly with no resistance. His cries are quiet whimpers as he watches me take out his organs one by one. The blood is sickly red oozing like slime slowly traveling down the chains and table. No one watches until I take the knife and cut something to release blood all over the bears friends. Rms looks at me horrifiedly pleading for me not to do this. A smile spreads across my face at his fear. "Where did my sanity go!? " I yell aloud at them. The bear stops moving giving me the signal to abandon this place once and for all. When the police arrive, there will be no clues. After all, no one can tell the police if there's no one there. I set the bomb to go off in the morning. I arrive back at the factory, (y/n) is sleeping peacefully.

To be continued. . .

Hey guys! That was. . . Fun! I hope you liked it, boi!

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