Chapter one - highschool

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Chapter 1
Kittys POV
I bursted into Cameron's room "Oh my god Cameron I'm so worried, I can't do another year of high school! Cameron I'm gunna die!" Cameron began to laugh at me apparently me being worried was hysterical to her.  "Kitty you'll be fine" she says while giving me a reassuring look, "I'll be a senior so I'll have your back still I pinky promise" she holds out her pinky and I give her mine as we lock fingers Ethan comes bursting into the room " oh my god Grayson come here! Kitty and Cameron are making out!" He screams as Grayson comes bolting into the room. "Wait,what,where! Did I miss it?" He says sarcastically while giving Cameron and I a smirk. We started laughing, " guess you and I are lesbian lovers now cam." She laughed even harder. Once we all regained our composure Ethan and Grayson sat down on cams bed while we were sitting on the floor, Ethan kept looking at me and It made slightly uneasy,I just shook I off. We just all sat their awkwardly for a few seconds before Grayson started talking about the big game, " are you guys gunna be at the game? It's the first game of the season and we're gunna kick central Morris's ass!" As he shouted that we all kinda jump " Ethan why don't you play Rugby?" I asked as I looked at him with curiosity in my eyes. "Well I don't know.." as he was about to finish his sentence gray jumped in, " Ethan is too pussy to play with me, I ask him just about every year! This year I'm not taking no for an answer." He said. " Ethan mom would love to see you play." Cameron said with a smile as she got up to pick up some things on her floor. " I guess it wouldn't hurt to try out then." Both of the twins then jumped up from the bed and excitedly left the room. " see you tomorrow loser." Ethan said as he walked out of the room while flipping me off behind his back.
" god I hate him! He's so bipolar. One minute he's nice to me then he's an ass!" I say as Cameron slightly laughs " if he fucks with you in school let me know, he won't feel as cool when everybody sees pictures of him potty training." she gave me a wink. God I love how Cameron always has my back. Sometimes I feel as if she's the only one who cares. After a few hours of talking with Cameron about what we're excited  for at school. I told her I had to go due to it being 10:30 at night and I still had to shower and such. So I left her house and got in my car to drive home, the whole way home I just kept thinking about the way Ethan looked at me while we talked. It was like he was planning something, but at the same time it was more of a soft look. I decided it was nothing and to let it go, when I got home I didn't see any lights on which was strange as my dad doesn't usually go out. As I unlock the door and walked In I seen a note from my dad " I figured you'd forget I had a business trip so here's your reminder. I'll be home in three weeks there's an envelope with money for you on the counter be safe I love you- dad"

Shit I completely forgot, I'm lucky he knows me so well. After I throw out the note I head upstairs to my room, I head into my bathroom and start to undress for my shower as I'm undressing I get a call from an unknown number. I don't answer it I just let it go to voicemail. As I step in the shower and feel the nice hot water hit my back I temporarily forgot about all the stress of my first day. After a good fifteen minutes I get out and start to put on my pajamas as I look down at my phone I have a text from an unknown number, which is odd. I unlock my phone to see what the text says " I like you and don't know how to tell you." I am in complete shock I've never even thought about anyone liking me so I thought it was a prank and went to bed. I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock screeching at 7am I wanted to so badly hit snooze but I knew I had to get up it was my first day of my Sophomore year. I went into my closet and picked out a a burgundy cropped tee, and slipped on my black flare leggings and paired those with my burgundy checkered vans. Then sat at my vanity and did my makeup. I think I look pretty cute, I  look at the clock I realized I'm gunna be late so I grab my bag and my keys and race down the steps I get outside lock the door and jump in the car. I made it to school just in time and luckily I didn't get stoped for speeding. As I walked into school there they were Ethan and Grayson surrounded by girls nothing new. I walked buy hoping they wouldn't see me but of course they did. Grayson started making fun of me instantly "Could you be any more basic?" The way he said it seemed so genuine I don't think he was kidding, "Could you be any more of a attention whore?" As the words left my mouth i could see Ethan smirking at me remark. Grayson didn't seem so impressed, surprisingly Ethan stayed quiet which was strange. As I get to my locker Cameron jumps behind me and scares the crap out of me. " good morning Kitty!" She says with lots of energy " you had coffee today didn't you?" I asked her while raising an eyebrow. "Is it that hard to tell?" She said becoming sad and embarrassed I just shook my head and laughed at her. "Just so you know cam your brother is an asshole",she cocked her head to look at me while waiting for an explanation."just Grayson thinking he's hot shit and it's obnoxious", Cameron laughed when i said that. As we were walking to class I looked over to her. "Cameron" I kinda hesitated, " has Ethan been acting weird lately". She stopped walking to look at me "no. Why is something wrong?" She looked scared almost. "No, nothing is wrong i just wanted to make sure we didn't pressure him into playing." Her mood completely changed she seemed almost relived that's that what i meant, "no i think he secretly wanted to and just needed a push. Well i gotta get to class so ill see you later!" She left me very chipper, i just couldn't bring myself to tell her what i was thinking. It just sounded so outlandish. I was so in my own thoughts I almost missed the first bell.  My first period was English with Grayson of course. I swear I can never escape those boys, As I sit in my seat waiting for the bell to ring I can feel eyes on me. I go to look behind me and it's Grayson he's starring at me, why is Grayson Dolan starring at me i started to panic thinking he put some kinda of "Kick me" sign on me. I was trying to check to see if something was on me and the bell rang. Almost immediately he booked it out of class.  I tried to brush it off while walking to my next class but i couldn't to brush

Time skipppppp to lunch!!!

The bell rang telling everyone it was time to all pack into the cafeteria. As I walk into the lunch room some guy trips me, I face plant to the ground and ended up hitting my head pretty hard. I stayed on the ground for a second trying to process, when I had finally tried to get up the same guy pushed me down again. At this point tall eyes are on me pathetically laying on the ground while this guy toward over me. He stood there just laughing at me and calling me a cunt and a bitch, he's calling me all these slurs and I can't figure out who he is. So I tried to get up for a second time and this time he spit in my face! I could feel my face beet red, I was so embarrassed. As I wiped his spit off of my face I felt someone grab me from behind , when I turned around it was Ethan " are you okay?" He asked me with a soft concerned eyes. I've never seen this side of Ethan. I give him a slow nod But then he breaks eye contact to stare daggers at the guy in front of me. His eyes narrowed and he started to walk up to the guy with his fist clenched in anger, Before the guy even opened his mouth Ethan punched him in the face. The guy was unsteady after the hit but Ethan didn't stop he got the guy on the ground and didn't stop. That's when the crowd really formed, then everyone started chanting "fight, fight, fight". I tired to get Ethan off the guy but I couldn't, I looked around desperately for help I spotted Grayson walking into the lunchroom. As soon as we made eye contact he knew it was Ethan. He was finally able to get Ethan off of the guy, just in time for the principal and several resource officers to come running in . I pulled Ethan aside so i could examine Ethan to make sure he was okay. He swatted me away with anger " I'm fine" he said. I took a step back to give him some space, As the officers came to take Ethan to the office i started to get very dizzy. Suddenly I was falling and everything went dark the last thing I remember is Ethan lunge forward to grab me.
Hiiii everyone I hoped you enjoy the first chapter!!!! I know it's probably shit but I'm gunna keep trying to make it better!!

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