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Kittys pov

    I was so nervous to go back to school, I didn't know what everyone would say. How would they look at me. I guess i was staring out the window of the car too long because Cameron turned down the music to get my attention. "Kitty you okay over there?" , i felt so bad I didn't want to lie to her but I couldn't have her worried about my every move all day. "I'm okay." I put on the best fake smile I could hoping she couldn't see threw me, we didn't say much for the rest of the car ride but luckily we pulled into the parking lot not to long after. Cam pulled right next to Graysons car and we all got out and walked in together. As we were walking in I could hear everyone whispering and could see them all staring, it was the worst I've felt in months. Grayson walked me to my first class probably per request of Ethan. I couldn't focus in class I could feel all eyes on me, it made me feel so uneasy.


    Finally the last bell rang and I've never been more relived, i jumped from my seat and booked it to the parking lot to wait for cam and grey. Of course me being me i bumped into someone on my way out and fell to the ground, i started to collect my things as quickly as I could I could sense someone crouch down next to me he helped me pick up the last of my things. We both stood up at the same time no he handed me my books, "I'm sorry about that I wasn't looking where i was going, hey your that Kitty girl right?" As the words left his mouth i could feel myself trying to slink away from embarrassment. "I'm sorry i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable I'm Christian i play rugby with Grayson." , he held out his hand for an handshake and i awkwardly grabbed his hand. "I'm so sorry really it was my fault, it was nice to meet you."i turned around quickly and begun to walk carefully to the car, as soon as i was close I could see gray and cam waiting worriedly."im sorry guys I accidentally bumped into someone." I shouted as running closer to them, "are you okay?"poor cam sounded so worried i wish everyone would stop treating me like i was a piece of glass. "Yea cam i fine can we please get out of here" I felt immediately bad knowing she heard the annoyance in my voice, but i just kept my head down and got in he car. After an awkward car ride we Finally made it to my place, "hey, I'm gonna head back to my place for a little but ill be over later okay?". "Sounds good cam ill see you later" i quickly left the car and ran into my house, i got in and closed the door behind me.

    I was finally only i didn't have someone around I couldn't help but run to my room and cry. i was so overwhelmed with everyone and everything, i feel selfish for feeling this way as everyone just cares about me but its just all to much to handle. All of a sudden i can hear my front door open, Ethan must've heard me crying because he bolted upstairs and busted my door open. " are you okay?are you hurt? Where does it hurt?" He was checking me out as if he was looking for something wrong, he grabbed my hand gently to check it and i snatched it away. "Ethan I'm fucking fine can you leave me alone, I'm not a little kid." I was harsh but i was so sick and tired of everyone acting like i was going to shatter that I snapped. Ethan looked so shocked and confused, i felt so bad."kitty I'm sorry i was just worried. I..I didn't know why on were crying." He sounded like a little kid who was told to go sit in the Corner, "Ethan I'm sorry I'm so overwhelmed right now I just need a minute." He nodded and left the room,i just sat their feeling worse. I snapped on the one guy who really gave shit, after collecting my thoughts i made my way out of my room to see Ethan sitting on the floor next to the door with his head in his hands. I went right next to him and sat putting my head on his shoulder, he moved to look up at me and pulled me in closer for a hug."I should've saw how you felt I'm so sorry kitty i never wanted to suffocate you. I just wanted to protect you because..I'm in love you kitty." As i heard him utter those last five words i could feel my body take a sharp breathe and time appeared to Stand still. We stayed like the for a while,him holding me just waiting for someone to say something first."Ethan..I'm in love with you too." I started to tear up as i never thought id ever get to tell him this,he pulled away to look at me face to face. He grabbed my face and kissed me.


I'm standing in the kitchen with grey trying to cook dinner but I can't concentrate,i see her sitting on the couch in front of us watching tv with cam and all i can think about is what happened early. It keeps replaying in my head like a movie, the way she felt in my arms they way her lips pressed against mine. She's all I could think about until grey waved his hand in front of my face I guess i spaced." E are you okay? you don't seem like you really here?", "yeah im okay sorry, lets get cooking before the girls get feral." Grey laughed a bit before grabbing the grocery bags from island. "Girl tonight were gonna make Salomon does that work for you?" I knew the answer to the question but i love asking anyway. "YES!" The girls yelled excitedly from the couch still not bothering to look away from the tv, they were watching some five nights at Freddy's game play threw which was Kitty's favorite. God she's such a geek for some things but man and i in love with her, she makes me feel a way id not think I've ever felt before.

we finish cooking dinner and start to plate it for the girls. "Dinners done!" Grey yelled launder then he had to knowing it would tick them off. They turned around very unpleasantly and gave grey the death glare, i laughed and bit and then grey and i sat down to eat while the girls joined us. While we were eating kitty and I couldn't make eye contact it was almost awkward, "so how was your stupid little game? You know it's probably better if you play it yourself?" I said very playfully. She got slightly annoyed but not to serious "oh like people can do the challenges you do on your Channel themselves?" She said while giving me a shit eating grin. "BURN" grey yelled, we all started to laugh, not long. After we finished dinner i started to clean up and kitty joined me while grey and cam sat on the couch. "So do you wanna talk about what happened. I'm sorry if i made you feel uncomfortable.", while not looking up from the dishes "you didn't it was just really unexpected, ya know?" I guess i never treated her the greatest so this probably did come as a shock. "I meant what I said kitty I'm in love with you." She seemed really tense I wasn't sure how to make her feel comfortable around me. Maybe she just needed sometime, we finished the dishes in silence then went to sit in the living room with Greyson and cam. "So our first game is this Friday who's ready!!!!"grey seemed so excited i was happy for him. "Sorry you didn't make the team e we will definitely get you in for spring." I thought about it and honestly im disappointed I didn't get to play, but it wasn't more important then protecting kitty. "My suspension ends on Wednesday so well all be there to cheer you on grey." He gave me a knock on the shoulder and we all talked for a little while until everyone got tired. "Hey guys thanks for everything but I'm going to head to bed." Kitty looked tired but i didn't wanna leave her. "I'll stay if you don't mind." She kinda froze and tensed, "its okay if you don't want me to-" "no its okay you can stay". I felt bad , i didn't wanna pressure her she seemed fine with it after but I figured id tread lightly. 

Soon after grey and cam left and we just sat in the living room silently, "Ethan.where you messing with me earlier?" I could feel the sting in my chest. She thought it was a joke,"no i wasn't I'm sorry that you feel that way. I'm in love with you and i have been but I just ignored it till I couldn't in case you didn't like me."she sat next to me and looked at me with tears her eyes and kissed me. I embraced her and kissed her back, her lips were so soft. Her arms around my neck felt so natural, my arms wrapped around her waist felt so right. Before I knew it she was taking off my shirt and my hand found its way down her shirt. She got up and slid her pants off i did the same, i sat on the couch she got on top of me. She ran her fingers through my hair while kissing me hard I couldn't help but running my hands up an down her stunning body, i carefully unclipped her bar and pick her up and laid her down. I started kissing down her body very lightly until I got to her panties. I slowly took them off while looking to her for permission she bit her lip and nodded, I completely removed her panties and gave her very genial kisses. I could feel her hand gripping my hair while I continued, her soft moans made me wanna fuck her hard right here. I started to slowly kiss up her body before reaching her lips and kissing her passionately, I picked her up then carried her to her room and threw her on the bed she let out a little laugh. " are you sure?' I wanted to make sure before we went any further, "I'm sure" I got on top of her and kissed her gently before putting it in very slowly..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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