Part2 :The news continued. .

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"Theres no need for me to find out or be told what I already heard!" I said, barging into the room with the cricket bat held tightly in my right hand.

"Sammy?!" They both said consecutively with their eyes as big as tomatoes

"Uhm hey uhm Sammy, uhm what are you doing there?" Bianca asked nervously backing away seeing my bat.

"Well I don't know Bianca, I woke up and decided to rob my own house because I had nothing better to do only to find out that my so called boyfriend impregnated my best friend!" I sarcastically said and swung the bay crazily towards her.

"Woah chill Samantha you could kill her with that bat" Jackson angrily said standing in between me and Bianca

"What?! What the fuck are you saying Jackson? You impregnated my fucking best friend! And then you tell me to chill?! Huh?" I angrily shot back at him

"It's your fault Samantha! You're the one that spent only you know hours with that guy of yours doing who knows what and didn't have time for me! You made me think that you were cheating!" Jackson blurted out.

"So that gave you the balls to go and fuck my best friend? How could you Jackson I gave up most things for you, turned down a good scholarship to Cuba Medical School for you Jackson all I ever did was love you I don't deserve all this?" I shot, trying my best to keep all my tears from falling.

"Sam listen its not his fault I'm the one who also let him I should've stopped him but I was drunk and everything was blurry I happened too fast!" Bianca said trying to explain.

"Hell yea Bianca! I know you you selfish little *&/#× even if you were sober I bet you would've still opened those unsealed legs of yours! You were always jealous of me and always wanted to be ahead of me, I always knew you were capable of anything other than sleeping with my man! I trusted you you bitch ! And Jackson, that guy is a doctor , a gynocologist not some random guy,he's my trainer ,but you wouldn't have noticed cause you were busy eating my best friend's. .." I was cut off by Jackson

"You know what, I had enough Samantha! Stop being selfish I expected you to be more understanding than this! Quit it Samantha she's having my baby and that's it okay? There's nothing you can do about it!" Jackson stormed

"Fuck you! " I said swinging the bat crazily uncontrollable and I violently hit Jackson on the head and he collapsed with blood coming out from the back of his head.

"Oh my Gosh Jackson!" Bianca said bending down to him and checking if he's still alive. "See what your selfishness did Samantha? He could die,"

"Jackson?! Oh no please don't die please don't die, don't leave me please Jackson baby I'm sorry" I said rocking him in my arms with his blood staining my white t-shirt.

"What is going on in here,...oh my God wtf happend to Jack?!" Freddie asked walking in almost tripping at the sight of the scene

"Dont just stand there! Call the ambulance!" I shouted in between my sobs.

Freddie called the ambulance and it came within 5 minutes.

13:58 p.m at the hospital. ..

Beep beep beep

"Oh my head! Wh..wh..where am I and why does my head feel like they dug a big hole with it?" Jackson said trying to get up from the hospital bed.

"Oh Jack you're awake!?" I said with a sigh of relief, giving him water. "Sammy? What are you doing here and why is your t-shirt covered in blood?" He asked while I helped him sit up.

"Long story, I kind of hit you with the bat, trying to get to Bianca. " I honestly confessed

"Yea explains a lot!" He said

"Oh Mr. Johnson, I'm so glad you're finally awake." Dr. Rietz said walking in .

"Hey Doc, anything wrong is he going to be okay, he didn't loose a lot of blood did he?" I quickly asked.

"Now don't worry Mrs Smith he's perfectly okay we did all the checks and he's pretty fine. In fact he can be discharged today, right Now. " Dr. Rietz smiled doing his final checks on Jack.

"Oh thank God " I praised , "So that means we're going home Jack" I tried to smile.

"Yea I'm not going home with you Sam." Jackson cleared his throat and said.

"I'll get your papers ready Mr Johnson." Dr Rietz said and walked out leaving me alone with Jackson

"Wait what do you mean Jack?" I asked sounding confused

"You put me into hospital Samantha and who knows what else you're capable of?" Jackson said.

"I was angry and had mixed emotions Jack. It's not like I did it purposely and you impregnated my best friend Jack how's your headache compared to my heartache Jackson how am I supposed to live with that?!" I blurted out

"Well you don't have to, cause I'm breaking up with you, its over Samantha!" Jackson harshly said.

It took me 3 full minutes to sink in what he just said. "Wait,... so after breaking my heart, you don't apologize for the mess you did you're just breaking up with me?!" I spit out

"Yes I am Samantha! This is something big for me okay, im having a baby! And if you're not gonna stand that then, I'm afraid you'll have to leave, I can't choose between my son and you Sam!" Jackson said.

" do you even know that she's carrying a boy huh?" I asked trying to balance myself and not fall cause I'm feeling a bit dizzy.

"Well I know that! I know that when I shoot I hit right okay? I'm having an heir and until I get it, I get to have all my father's business shares as his son! And I get to be a father, I mean who would've ever son.. you know. ."

"Shut up shut up just shut up!" I screamed covering my ears trying to walk out of the room but my body was just paralyzed by his words and I ...I felt dizzy...I ...boom I fainted on the floor.

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