Part 3 :Broken

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I wake up at the beeping sound of the heart monitor. I look around and the first face I saw was Freddies I smiled. My smile turned into a frown when I saw Jackson and Bianca cuddling together on the couch. I rolled my eyes and cleared my throat.

"Oh you're awake, welcome back Sammy" Freddie said giving me a warm smile

"Hi Fred" I said returning the smile and sat up.

"Can I talk to Sam privately please?" Jackson said standing up and Bianca and Fred took their cue and left us alone. "Hi " he said once we were alone

"What Jackson I'm tired can't it wait,? " I asked him trying to avoid eye contact

"Listen Sam I'm sorry you collapsed and I'm absolutely sorry for cheating on you with your best friend and impregnanting her it wasn't my intention I regret it, I really do but  I don't regret the results of it Sam, I'm going to be a father, no I'm not prepared for it I know but I'll get used to it as time goes. So on Saturday my we're going over to my parents house and tell them the great news, yea I'm a bit nervous but what can I say, its now or never right?!." Jackson confused to me

I sat still trying to sink in all that he had said and fight back the tears.

"So you're just gonna sit and ignore me ?" Jackson asked breaking the long awkward silence.

"What do you want me to say Jackson? Oh congratulations for getting my best friend pregnant can't wait to see the baby?" J asked sarcastically finally looking at him.

"Sam you're over reacting okay, I expect you to understand the situation and like I told you before, there's nothing you can do to change my mind. I chose Bee and my baby okay, I know its been 4 years but well, I don't know Sam I don't know but I do know that its best if we just separated, Bee doesn't want me to be an absent father and I too want to be there in every growing stage of her pregnancy and my son. I hope you understand." Jackson said.

"Understand? Jackson are you hearing yourself huh? After all this time, but you know what, wait are you even serious right now?!" I shouted

"I'm never repeating myself Samantha its over between us!" He shouted at me

No Samantha I'm sorry but its over." Jackson Johnson said

"But..." I muttered trying to get the words out from my dry aching throat.

"No buts Sam, I love her I know its my fault but I'm sorry it had to be this way, I never planned it to turn out like this but, it's over!" Jackson said, kissed my now teary cheek and walked away leaving me alone in the room.

I can't believe what just happened, did Jack really leave me for Bianca?! I mean who knows maybe that baby isn't even his! When I got discharged, Fred gave me a ride back home, I don't even know If I should call it home anymore! I feel so drained , so lost, Fred had to help me walk up to the horrific apartment that I used to share with Jackson Johnson.

"Are you sure you want me to leave?" Freddie asked giving me a worried look as he closed the door behind him after settling me down on the sofa.

"Yea I'm sure Fred, thanks for all you've done but I need to be alone right now" I replied.

"Well I came and cleaned your apartment, and I made sure to confisticate all and i mean all sharp objects that you may come across, its for your own good you'll thank me later." He smiled sitting next to me.

I laughed a bit which took all the strength I had left , "thank you but you didn't have to, im not psycho I do wanna live and my heart had enough bleeding for a day and I'm mostly tired of hospital beds right now." I honesty said.

"But Sammy on a serious note now, I know what Bianca did was bitchy and unprofessional, if I were you I would've put her in a coma and cut off Jackson's dick cause yea he is a dick but I'm not you which is why they're walking and breathing with no machine's help . I'm worried about you Sam. You look like shit and I can't stand your sight, its not like you look really disgusting but I miss your smile and you don't deserve this at all! You're graduating next week and this is just not what you need!" Freddie confesed .

I smiled at what he said and let the tears just run down my cheeks from my eyes.
"I know buddy, I know. And I'm relieved that you're not me cause I'd be broken and in jail right now" I laughed

"I'm getting us dinner okay? How does a large meaty pizza with the special Debonairs sauce sound? It's all on me" he offered

"No I'm okay thank you " I lied

"No you need it Barbie! Your stomachs been rumbling ever since we got here jeez I can even make a song out of it cause its now sounding like a pretty dope beat" he joked and beat boxed until I agreed

"Okay okay its fine" I laughed

"Thank you.  I'd still would've gotten it even if you disagreed. " he said grabbing his phone from his back pocket and dialled the number

"Oh I'm also weirdly craving for my favourite meal from my favourite restaurant " I smiled

"McDonald's Big Double Mac coming right up miss, what would you like to drink? " he asked imitating a waitresses accent

"Large Coke please" I played along

"Coming right up!" He said and make the two calls to the restaurants

After dinner

"Wow girl! If this is not stress eating then you've got a huge appetite today!" Freddie said packing the empty food cartons and threw it away .

I laughed at what he said, realizing how right he was. We ate the large pizza and the Big Mac's,  I ate a packet of Lays potatoe chips and drank the large Cola from MacDonald and drank his soda. "What ? A girl ain't supposed to eat after her ex boyfriend and best friend threw a truck full of shit on her?" I asked.

"Well you have some appetite but I like it thou, you ain't like those girls who'll starve themselves to death for some dushbag that broke up with her" he said sitting down next to me.

"Ha! I ain't gonna starve myself for some guy! I love food, he came into my life and walked away but food will never walk away from me or mess my life! Food is the love of my life" I said , feeling food rising from my stomach to mouth I quickly ran in the bathroom just in time to vomit all my precious delicious food. I felt my hair being pulled up and Freddies hands rubbing my back and he laughed when I was finished.

"Looks like the Love of your Life just messed your toilet" he joked.

I rinsed my mouth and thanked him for holding my hair up. "Haha very funny Fred! " I said and sat on top of the bathroom counter, "anyway how are you so calm after and relaxed after all this I mean you really loved Bianca and did anything for her!" I said

"Yea you're right, I loved her. She's been acting freakishly weird and dramatic for the past month she's been driving me crazy but you wouldn't notice cause i just wouldn't take her shit seriously. We broke up 3 weeks ago and just been okay , hanging out with y'all ever Thursday for our weekly Thursday Movie Night.  But now the real question is how are you going to calm down and what are you going to do to be relaxed" he said.

"Well I was thinking of going down to my parents house, just to get away from all this shit and calm my mind relax and refresh myself before y graduation next week. I mean I've been promising to visit them ever since last summer so I guess now's the perfect time to do all that. " I said smiling at him

"You're just smart I like the way you think. And I can't wait to be cut open by you and your team " he joked

"Oh you know I will" I laughed.

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