Chapter 19: Charlie's Parents Finding Out

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I was blown away by the response the doctor gave me and was escorted to my house. Vaggie was the one to take me, due to the fact I can't drive or move as much as I once did.

Vaggie was on the phone while driving. She was talking with Charlie and told her to come straight home and that I will explain to her what has been happening these last couple of days and weeks about me visiting the hospital.

As we arrived at my house, Vaggie turned off her phone and got out to help me get out of the car with my oxygen pump. It was really uncomfortable packing that around since it was a huge tank by my sides with wheels attached to it.

After heading inside the house and sitting on the couch, Vaggie offered herself to serve her a glass of wine. Due to the fact I am "ill " i won't be able to drink any type of liquor. As she was pouring herself some liquor and wine, the door bursted opening to reveal my lovely wife.

"Al! You got some explaining to do!" She yelled and slammed the door behind her. I hiccuped and pressed against my chest, trying to breath in and out.

This fucking sucks..

She widen her eyes, seeing how I reacted and came to sit down next to me. She saw the oxygen pump and started to tear up. She sits down and cries into my shoulder, making me comfort her instead of the other way around.

"Hey! Welcom home!." Vaggie enters the living room with two glasses of wine. Charlie wipes away her tears and thanks her. After some seconds of getting reestablished, she had a questionable face, when she saw Vaggie in the house.

"Why are you here?" She said as she took a sip of her wine. Vaggie chugged down her wine and placed the wine glass on a coaster on top of the coffee table. She then sat on a single couch chair and crossed her legs.

"Well, I took him to the hospital and took him back to his house. Which is here." She smiled exhaling a sigh.

"Sweetheart I'm alright. What might not be alright is the car.." I trailed off saying with a nervous laugh at the end. Charlie looked at me with confusion, meanwhile Vaggie laughed. I scratched the back of my head and gently lowered it down to the pump to adjust the breathing.

"Oh that's right! Strawberry pimp over here crashed your car! That's why I took him to the hospital.." She whispered the last sentence to herself but luckily I have marvelous ears and heard everything she said.

"It's alright, I care more about my husbands health then a stupid car! We can always buy a new one.." Charlie said, grabbing my hand tightly. She turned around to face me and looked me in the eye.

This is going to be a long conversation..

• • • • • Time Lapse • • • • •

After a while of explaining, Charlie was in shock the most part. She would squeeze my hand every time she heard something bad that happened to me. I kissed her off to sleep and was now in the living room watching tv with Razzel, meanwhile Dazzel was with Charlie. A while back, Vaggie had to flee our house, because Dust needed her immediately.

Suddenly, the door bell rang. I didn't want to wake up Charlie so, I got myself up and walked to the door. I was starting to twist the knob when my heart ached. My hand cramped as I backed it away form the knob.

"One moment please.." I said to the people behind the door. I rubbed some cream on my hand and inhaled and exhaled rapidly. The people behind the door started to talk to one another and I felt my ears tingle. I ignored them and started opening the door, to reveal Charlie's parents.

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