Welcome To The Party

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WARNING: This chapter includes alcohol and marijuana use, along with detailed make-outs. Please don't read ahead if this is bothersome to you. Thank you!

It was shortly after 4:40pm when Kiba finally heard knocking at his door. There they are. He walked quickly to open it, making sure to not trip this time. He was greeted by his friends smiling faces.

"KIBA!" Naruto smiled wide, pushing his way through his other friends so he could give Kiba a hug.

"Nice to see you too Naruto." Kiba accepted the hug.

"So when are we gonna see your boy toy?" Tenten smiled at Kiba.

"We're going to leave here shortly, he invited us to walk over at 5."

Sasuke sighed, "Just how long do I have to be at the party? I'd much rather be home."

"Sasuke! Don't be so rude." Naruto gave Sasuke a look.

Sasuke looked down, scratched the back of his head and said, "Sorry Kiba. I wanna be here to support your new relationship, but you all know I hate meeting new people."

"We know, you don't have to stay very long if you don't want to." Kiba replied. Sasuke nodded his head and started talking to Naruto. Kiba turned his attention to Hinata.

"Hey, you know you don't have to go. I know you're still upset about her, so if you don't think it's a good idea, I understand."

Hinata forced a smile, "It's okay, really. Maybe I'll meet some new friends at the party. I also want to properly introduce myself to Kankuro. I was so upset that day I barely acknowledged him."

Kiba smiled and put his hand on Hinata's shoulder, "I know, I'm sure he'll appreciate it." He started to smile and said, "Actually, you know what's really funny?" Hinata gave a confused look. "He thought you were my ex or someone I was talking to behind his back."

This made Hinata laugh which made her feel a little better, she smiled and said, "I would never date you. No offense." She thought for a second and said, "Well, never again."

Kiba gave her a hug, "I know, let's have fun tonight, yeah?" Hinata pulled away and nodded.

Kiba looked at his friends and said, "Okay you guys, what should I wear?" This made everyone perk up and look excited, except for Sasuke who tried to hide behind his façade.

"Remember that mesh top I mentioned before? And the tight black skinny jeans?" Hinata winked.

Naruto looked at Kiba with wide eyes, "That'd be hot." Sasuke gave Naruto a look. Naruto rolled his eyes and said, "You know I only have eyes for you, plus Kiba isn't necessarily my type." Sasuke smiled just enough for Naruto to notice. Naruto grabbed Sasuke's hand and kissed him on the cheek, making Sasuke blush which made him look away, so the rest of his friends didn't see.

Kiba looked at the time. 4:46pm. He hurried to his bedroom to find the outfit. He changed in his bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror. He fixed his hair a little and put on some cologne, trying not to overdo it. He decided not to put on his red makeup since he'd be drinking and didn't want it to smear. He changed his silver lip ring to his black one and looked in this mirror. There. I look pretty good.

He walked out of his room and stopped in front of his friends and held his arms out, "Well? What do you think?"

Naruto, Tenten, Hinata, and even Sasuke widened their eyes when they looked at him. "KIBA YOU'RE HOT!" Naruto exclaimed. Sasuke let out a little chuckle and said, "You look pretty good man." Tenten and Hinata looked at each other, smiled wide, looked back at Kiba, and nodded.

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