"Make Yourself Comfortable"

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Kankuro held the door open while Kiba walked into his apartment. Kiba didn't face him.

"Well? Explain." Kankuro ordered.

Kiba shot around, "I don't know what you want from me, it's not what it looked like!"

Kankuro's face started to get hot, he could feel tears welling up in his eyes. He hated this. "Just tell me who she was Kiba...please."

Kiba avoided eye contact, and sighed, "Kankuro, we've been f-"

Kankuro was woken abruptly by a pounding on his bedroom door.

"Kankuro! Have you seen the keys to the bookstore? I can't find them anywhere. I'm going to be late to meet with Kakashi about the rent!"

Kankuro sat up, rubbed his eyes, and looked at the alarm clock on his bedside table. 8AM. It's my day off and I can't even sleep in. Kankuro heard the loud knocking again.

"Hold on! I'm coming!" Kankuro yelled, irritated. He threw his covers off, stood up, and open his bedroom door in his boxers. "Where did you last have the keys?"

Gaara looked at him, "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I'm just stressed about the meeting with Kakashi about the bookstore rent. I remember having the keys last night when I got back from getting Chinese. After that it's kinda blurry. I must've been really tired."

Kankuro knew his brother too well. Gaara always left his keys in the strangest places, but Kankuro was pretty good about figuring it out. "Did you check the fridge?"

Gaara, not questioning his brother's judgement, walked over and opened the fridge. He shuffled some things around, "AH! Found them! You're a life saver." Gaara closed the fridge and walked to the door. "Hey, sorry again for waking you, I'll buy you some of that vodka you like for the party tonight."

"Sounds like a plan. Tell Kakashi I said hey and that I read that book suggested to me."

Gaara looked repulsed, "You actually read that stuff?"

Kankuro let out a chuckle, "Hell no, I just figured it might lighten the mood of the meeting." Gaara laughed as he closed the door behind him. Kankuro turned around and walked to the kitchen, remembering his dream. He felt a twinge of jealousy in his stomach. He hated the fact that his and Kiba's walk ended the way it did. He needed answers or else it would drive him crazy. I need to calm down. She could just be his friend. He didn't want to feel so threated and jealous, but his last relationship left him with trust issues. He decided to quit thinking about it and make himself a pot of coffee. He walked into his room and grabbed his phone. No messages. Standing in his room, he started to type.

Kankuro, 8:06am: hey I know you're probably sleeping, but I didn't text last night because I didn't want to interrupt. Text me when you wake up (:

Kiba, 8:10am: hey! Akamaru woke me up to go outside, so I'm up. I probably won't be able to fall back asleep, what are you up to this early?

Kankuro, 8:11am: gaara woke me up this morning looking for his keys. Btw, I won't be able to fall asleep either. if you want to, you can come over, I just made some coffee.

Kiba, 8:11am: really? Right now? I'd love to (:

Kankuro, 8:12am: yes right now (:

Kiba, 8:13am: leaving now!

Kankuro blushed. He loved the fact Kiba wanted to see him. Kankuro missed that feeling. He  thought back to his last relationship. They had been together for almost a year when he found out he was being cheated on. However, he felt like the relationship was over about 3 months before it actually ended because his ex was distant and didn't want to be touched in any way. Kankuro shook the thought. He was over his ex, but not over the problems the relationship left him with. Kankuro tried to think positively, Kiba hasn't done anything for me to distrust him, I'm acting silly. Kankuro's thoughts were interrupted by his coffee maker beeping, letting him know his coffee was done brewing. As he went to pour a cup, he heard a light knocking at the door. He forgot how close Kiba lived. He hurried to the door and opened it.

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