🥀Drunk🥀 Nikki Sixx

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Hey! Welcome to The Dirt imagines/preferences! I hope you all like this book because i've been thinking of doing one of The Dirt boys but never did it until now. Feel free to request anything! Just message me or comment!


3am you were waiting for your boyfriend, Nikki, to come home. He was out getting drunk with his band mates which only meant you had to take care of him tonight.

30 minuets later comes around and you hear the sound of keys struggling to open the front door. That sound meant your boyfriend was home.

Stumbling inside, he walked over to the couch, where you were at, and laid his head on your lap.

"Hey baby," he slurred.

"Do you know what time it is? I was waiting on you to get home. I'm done of going to bed by myself late at night waiting for you Nikki. I want you to be with me when I go to bed. I miss you," you said.

It's true. Nikki would be getting high or drunk, or both, all night and you would sit at home, waiting for him.

"I'm sorry baby. I'll promise i'll be better. Can you just take care of me for the night please?" Nikki asked.

You agreed and walked him up the stairs into your guys bedroom. You walked in the closet and got something comfortable for him to sleep in since his outfit didn't seem suitable for sleeping in.

He got changed and plopped on the bed while you went to go get medicine and a glass of water.

"Here, take this," you said, handing him a pill and the glass of water.

He took the pill and you went on the other side of the bed to lay next to him.

"Thank you for always taking care of me. You always help me if i'm high or drunk and I should be thanking you more for that," Nikki said while his eyes were still closed.

You cuddled next to him and he wrapped his arms around you.

"Of course, i'd do anything for you."


Sorry this is so short and actual garbage lol. Requests are open so just message me or comment if you have any! I love you all so much and I hope you have a good day or night!

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