Chapter 5

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She just sat there letting me hug her, she was so upset over Pablo and I can't believe how much he hurt her.

I didn't want to leave her I just loved having her in my arms but I had to go on a business meeting she promised that she stay in the house anyway while im gone because I know her she don't think straight when she's upset.

I told Olga to talk to her to try and cheer her up because her mothers in Madrid for a few weeks.


I'm laying in bed in such as state from crying so much and the worse thing is German have seen me like this.

As I was in my en suite trying to sort my make up and hair out someone knocked on my door.

Come In! I shouted.

It's only me Angie I came to check on you! Olga shouted. I laughed, ah I see orders by German I take it? I said walking out towards her

She smiled, yes he's worried about you.

I know Olga but I'm fine honest, I know Germans worried about me but I don't need someone to check up on me I am a grown woman but it's kind of cute.

Olga came over and hugged me tightly, you know what Olgas like with hugs she loves them, aww Olga I say returning the hug.

when we stopped hugging I decided to go to the studio so I can stop thinking about things and I can just at least go in for one of my lessons and even know I promised German I wouldn't leave the house I. Had to I couldn't stay in there it was getting all fuzzy.

I went to one of my lessons at the studio, soon as I got there all my class was in there already so I just started as normal.

We worked on vocalisation and I was so much happier now since singing and German is the only things that can cheer me up.

When I finished my lesson I decided to head home and I know German will be there so I think I better apologise for today all I done was cry and over Pablo. I should just get over him I don't think I loved him but I don't know it really hurt when he said what he said.

When I walked through the door German greeted me by hugging me which was a shock as I only now got through the door. I laughed, I'm glad to see that your home because when your like you were you don't think straight and daydream and your legs just take over and walk where they want and I don't know.

I laughed, That reminds me I'm sorry about earlier you know me being all soppy I should've been so upset over him.

German just smiled, no need to say sorry. Then pricilla came down so I gently pulled away for hugging German. Boyfriend broke up with you didn't he Angie she said so insensitive and she was smiling evilly as she said it.

I done a sarcastic smile at her, aren't you the sweet one like always I say walking into the kitchen.

Pricilla! Could you be any more insensitive! I heard German shout.

I'm sorry my love it's just I can clearly tell she loves you!

I stood there shocked and blushing, of course I love German but I don't know I guess I do love him I don't know, he always makes me feel so special and I get butterflies around him and sometimes I get nervous would that be love?

pricilla stop being so insecure German said and walked into his office.

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