Chapter 10

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The picture above is who I imagine to be Lauren. She's absolutely STUNNING. She's the girl from the new Transformers: Age of Extinction movie. Her name is Nicola Peltz. Also I've attached the song Louis plays. If you like this chapter, it would mean a lot if you could vote. Xx

Mr. Tomlinson leads me to his kitchen, my hand in his. The first time I'm noticing how rough yet soft his skin is on fingers. He stops in a brightly sunlit kitchen that seems to fit his personality.

"Shall we play some music while we cook?" He gestures to an ihome connected to his phone.

I giggle at his enthusiasm, "Sure I would love some."

He searches through his phone for a minute until he lands on a song that I would know anywhere.

"You like Ray Lamontagne?" I say unable to avoid the smile creeping on my face.

"Yes he's so talented. I didn't know anyone else knew who he was. Maybe you're not so bad Miss Ashley." he says with a wink walking to his refrigerator looking for something to cook. He pulls out cheese, and cream. I give him a bewildered look and he only gives me a smirk before rummaging through his pantry for some pasta. "I figured chicken Alfredo would be quite easy, plus who doesn't like a nice bowl of pasta?"

"Sounds lovely." I go to help him but I'm only stopped by his hand grabbing my wrist.

"Nope not so fast. I'm the chef today. So just make yourself comfortable while I slave away over this hot stove." He gives me a silly grin and goes back to preparing the food.

I make my way to his couch where he's still sort of in my view and take a seat. He's swaying his cute bum to the music.

How happy it would make me to see your face when I wake.

It's so cute watching him cook. He's so different in the classroom. Here, it's like he's a totally different person.

"You know you never told me what your first name is." I kind of shout from the couch over the music.

He turns his head to face and says "Louis."

"And here I was thinking it was Mr." I say with a playful smirk.

"Oi watch it!" He shouts, pointing a wooden spoon at me trying to hold back his laughter. This new side of him is something I wish I could see all the time.

"Well then Louis, when is lunch going to be ready? I'm getting quite lonely over here."

"If you would stop teasing my name, I could get it done faster." he jokes.


After lunch was ready, Louis came and sat by me, bringing me a plate of food. It was a lot better than I expected. More than I would like to admit to him.

As we are our food, we talked about things. Like where we would go, if we could go anywhere in the world. Strangely enough he chose Thailand.

"Why Thailand?" I ask him taking a bite of my pasta.

"Idk. I've just always loved their culture. It seems like a place you could find yourself, you know? The beautiful colors, the religion, not to mention it's tropical." I can see his eyes light up as he talks about it. "How about you Miss Ashley, where would you go?"

"Since I was little, I've always wanted to go to Paris. I remember seeing pictures and my clothes used to have the Eiffel Tower on them and since I could remember I've wanted to go there."

"Ahh Paris is beautiful. I loved it there. The people can be quite rude and it can be quite smelly in some places but there's this certain magic about being there that you feel like anything can happen."

"I'm so incredibly jealous that you went."

We don't talk about much more because before I know it, I'm fast asleep on his chest.


I know this chapter isn't super long. But I've been trying to upload more even if it's short. So if you could vote, that would be AMAZING. Thank y'all so much for reading up until this point.

I've fallen in Love with my Teacher Mr. TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now