Chapter 1: Crash, Land, HELP!

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Starlord POV:

We were cruising close to a unmapped planet, everything was calm, until I heard "Quill, don't you move a muscle boy!" 'Crap.' Gamora's piercing eyes looked squarely on me. "Okay, plan, we head towards the planet, it's unmapped, maybe he won't be able to track us there." I explain. "Maybe?" Gamora questioned, getting ready to flee. "Well, nothing we do is definite." I answered, going to the controls, but as I got into the seat, the master control circuit switch. "Rocket, this again?" I call. "What? We're in a tight situation, we can all agree I'm the best flyer here." Rocket argued. "Rocket, I need to fly this thing before Yondu does." I shout. "Boys! if you're going to just argue then I'll fly." Gamora growls, taking full control. Rocket and I just sit there glaring at each other as she shoots the jets on. "Quill, don't make me chase you down boy!" Yondu called, the roar of his jets could be heard from the 30 miles distance between us. "Gamora..." I trail. "I know." She replies, unshifting her focus as we hit the gravitational pull of the planet. As we enter the atmosphere of the planet I hear a deafening bang. "What was that?" I called, panic filling my voice as I turn back. "Our tanks had just exploded." Drax answered, coughing as he came stumbling into the cockpit. "The heat of the planet must have cause this junk to combust." Rocket added, still scrawling. "Oh, also not the mention, we've lost all control. This is what happens when you let the woman drive." Rocket shout, rage dripping in his voice. The panic went from my voice to my entire body as the plain of the planet came into view. "Gamora..." I say one last final time before she jumped back from the panel. "Out the cockpit." She order, racing to the back of the ship just moments before we hit the ground, sending all of us flying uncontrollably around the ship as it jolts along mounds in the ground. Eventually ship stopped abruptly and we all were flung forwards. Everything went black afterwards.

Once I gained my consciousness, all I could feel was pain in my head and my shoulder. After a while of just lying there, trying to comprehend what just happened, I finally opened my eyes. All I could see was Drax was in front of me on the ground, sprawled out awkwardly. "Urgh..." I groan before wincing at the pain in my shoulder as I hoisted myself up. As I did so, my headache went from pouncing to splitting. Rubbing my head, I look around to noticing the ruins. "Huh?" I gapped, shocked at the damage of the ship. Then something else caught my attention. Looking around I meet eye with a boar like creature at the edge of the scar, snotting. Like second nature I went for my gun. Just my luck, it must have fell out when I licked the dirt. Frightened, I get my fist out, what else could I do? The boar creature understood this gesture because it came stomping at me, squealing. It hoof pounds in sync with the pounding of my heart as fear clutches it. Just as it stomped on the halfway mark a flash of fire came soaring down, roaring with triumph as it did so. Something that looked like a blade of fire slashed it's front and seared a horn right off, causing the boar creature to screech in pain. After the screech it snorted in rage, it started charging at the ball of flame barring the flaming blade. In which the ball of flames swished the handle of the flaming blade to change sides before the ball of flame let out one more roar and swung it under the boar creature, burying the blade from the chin through it's head. The boar creature let out one, final, battle cry before falling limp. Once it has known it's work was done, the ball of flame turned to me, it's blazing eyes scanning behind me. I turn to see everyone's awake before turning back to the flame, that was starting to dull and flicker down until it was a tall, orange, humanoid with a tail tipped in a tuft of black hair which also crowned it's head and long ears flicked as they stared, golden eyed, curiously (in short terms, a orange, short avatar/na'vi). "Every creature ok?" The feminise voice asked. Cutting me for the gaping trance I was in and clutch my mouth closed. "Ahem, yes, I think we're fine." I look over at the others and answered the female humanoid. "Thank crak'tel." The female humanoid muttered quietly but loud enough to be audible from my distance. "I'm Hova by the way." the humanoid introduced. "What are you?" Hova asked. I grinned, standing tall now, ignoring the pain in my shoulder.
"We're The Guardians of the Galaxy."

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this collab, I'm aware it's short and we're not very consistent with chapters, but hopefully what is there is enough for your time.

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