Chapter 10: Recovery

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Starlord POV:
It's been a couple days since the incident, and I haven't left Gamora's bedside since. It's worrying, Zoc maybe a Wizard but he did admit that his powers were quite weak in comparison with other Wizards of his age. I don't know if it's a lie but Gamora's condition has become unstable within hours of loosing consciousness. Rocket's came in everyone now and again with Groot. He keeps on insisting that Groot convinced him to come but when stated that 'No one ask why you came' he would change the subject to how great Zoc is and how he's quickly became a asset to the team and how Hova's still coping with fracturing mindset and the 'breaking' has become less frequent. (Breaking is when she's completely lost where she is and starting crying out and weeping or does what she did when she saw Gamora half way to death and just freezes). Which is another concern, knowing one time she faints could be her last time. 'Zoc must be a busy man, looking after the ladies.' I would reply to the news. Quite a few times Zoc had brought Hova with him to a re-enforcement session to reassure the Fireant that Gamora's on the road to recovery. Although, if Gamora was awake, I would say was right.

"Peter?" Hova peeped, poking her head the in the infirmary near the end of day three. I look up to meet her gaze, her's golden eyes looked a little less glassy and disoriented. "Hova! What brings you here?" I asked softly. "Drax mentioned how you haven't eaten in two days. So I thought I would sit with you for dinner." Hova explained, walking through the door holding a tray holding two bowls of stew and a plate of bread rolls. I only smiled and waved my hand to signal her to me. As she sets the tray down between us and pick up her bowl of stew I say "I'm sorry if I haven't been myself since we left the Commentator's. It's just that," I sigh, trying to find the right words "I've lost my mother, I've just been praying that the universe isn't cruel enough to take Gamora as well." I finish. "Don't worry, I understand, I lost my freedom and my species." Hova said, turning more blue. I quickly try and think of something to change the subject to and I grabbed the bowl and shoved some stew in my mouth. Cringing, I say "Mmm, this is good." Hova only smiled and said "It's Drax's cooking, that's why I brought the rolls. We all know how good he is." I swallow the stew before nodding in reply. "How has she been today?" Hova asked, looking at Gamora. "Better, stable." I reply between chews. "That's a relief." Hova sighs. "Definitely." I answer. Then we were silent for the reset of the meal.

That night:
"Peter, take my hand." My mother's last line echoed in my mind every night, but this night, it rung differently. That's when I turned to see everything black apart Gamora in the infirmary, lying there with her hand out, the exact position that I left my mother in. I was confused, until a deafening sound made my heart skip a beat. A flat line.

I jolt awake to find myself in the chair of the infirmary. Confused and my heart thundering, the dream playing repeatedly as the flat line still ringed in my ears. Then something else was caught in my ears. Whimpering? Looking around the dark room while my eyes adjusted, I notice something curled up in the gap between Gamora's torso and arm. "Groot?" He looked up at me as I breathed his name. "What are you doing there bud?" I say, going to pick him up, but as I did so, I brushed Gamora's arm. It was cold as death. Quickly snatching up Groot I feel her wrist and neck for a pulse. It was so weak I could just barely feel it over my heart pulsing in my ears. "Zoc!" I called. "Zoc! Gamora's unresponsive!" I called. That's when I heard the pounding of feet, Zoc came rushing in with Hova close behind. Zoc immediately began examining her (he scanned her organs with his magic by channeling through her chakra). "Shit, I thought it has healed properly." I heard him mutter. "What?" I said, soothing Groot by this point. "When she was stabbed, it was in the stomach, so some acid managed to leak to the intestines. I tried concentrating my magic into healing the fibres of the intestine that had been effected. It seems that my magic isn't strong enough." Zoc explained. "So, she's... dying?" I struggled to speak those words. "Essentially." Zoc sighed, frustration making his voice bitter as he spoke. The room fell silent, until Hova finally piped up. "Zoc, do the healing contagion." "Hova, it wasn't strong enough before, what will make a difference this time?" Zoc asked. "I'll bind my power with yours." Hova answered. "What? No. That's dangerous, if it goes wrong it can kill either one of us or all of us." Zoc argued. "Well, do you have a better option?" Hova challenged. Zoc only sighed once more and started the spell, surrendering to Hova's request regardless of the consequences. Hova summoned a flame that extinguished as she touched Zoc. Then those tense minutes, Zoc was shuttering until he took his hand off Gamora. Letting out a sigh, Zoc says "She's clear.". "So she's-" "She's going to live." Zoc cut in. Looking beyond me. I turn around. Her eyes were open. "Gamora." I said. "Peter." Gamora said in a daze. "Hova. Zoc." She looks past me. "What's happened?" She asked. "Well... what do you remember?" Zoc questioned. "Hmm... I can remember Peter and I were running to the ship, and something made me turn, the Commentator, and I looked over at Peter and fell." Gamora explained before looking at me. "Peter, you were asleep in that chair when I captured consciousness for a brief moment." Gamora added. "Yeah, you should have seen him!" Hova exclaimed, making everyone look at her. "He hadn't moved since he brought you to the infirmary." Hova grinned and Gamora whipped her head around to me. "Well... I did move. That one time." I declared, blushing. "Good to know someone's got my back." Gamora murmured softly, almost to the point I thought it was in my head. "Hova, do you think you can find something Drax and Rocket?" Zoc abruptly requested. "Oh, sure, they'd be delighted to know Gamora is up." Hova replied, her voice was a bright tone. Gamora smiled and nodded. This sent Hova rushing out, once she was, I turned to Zoc. "What spell do you put on her?" I asked. "No spell. She's just delighted to have Gamora back." Zoc answered. "So you can read minds?" I questioned. "Again, you've got me all wrong." Zoc answered, looking towards the door. "Hova and I are childhood friends. After our leader took her under his wing, that is. We were frightened of her for a second there but she soon fit in." Zoc explained. "So... she's the leaders child?" Gamora asked, her voice obviously straining to remain calm. "No, more like apprentice." Zoc turned his head to Gamora. "But I recognised you. Daughter of Thanos, but I'm very much aware that she doesn't know. How funny the galaxy works, you befriend the very thing you slaughtered it's world. It must be a punishment." Zoc said. "I like to think of it as a reminder, reminder to change myself and become better then Thanos ever was. Reminder to never fall into his ways again." Gamora stopped and looked over at the door. Hova's shadow was coming down the hallway, accompanied by the shadows of Rocket and Drax. "Surprise!" Hova said, walking into the room. Drax immediately looks over at Gamora, a slight look of sympathy on his face. "You look good, more alive." Drax said. "Thanks Drax." Gamora smiled. "Now, were's Groot. He's probably traumatised." Rocket shouts. "Dude, calm down, his been huddling into me the entire time and right at this moment he's asleep." I answered in a hushed voice, finally remembering I've been holding him the entire time and glancing down to notice he was asleep. "Good to know he's okay." Rocket sighed, taking Groot from my arms. "Well, the family is back together." Hova smiled. "I guess you could say that." Drax joined in her cheery derminer. 'Yeah,' I thought, looking out amongst the room. 'The family is back together, thankfully.'

A/N: Apologises for those who didn't get the announcement last week, I have a Math test tomorrow that I've been summary and I also, on top of that, had an theatre company's info day yesterday and I have hostage  TransAnimefreak

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