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(I give you this picture in honour of Camila's 25th birthday)

Cheryls POV
Yet another nightmare, great. I'm in this room that could not feel anymore the complete opposite of home, I wanted so desperately to go home to Sweetpea and Fangs and get the comfort that I so greatly needed but I knew that I needed to give myself space. I reached over to the nightstand and turned my phone back on, as I expected, notification after notification spammed my phone, I sat back and let the notifications subside before I picked it up again.

The notifications had finally stopped and I was able to check it without being disrupted. I glanced at the time at the top of the screen, I was not at all surprised to see that it was nearing 3:30am. I placed my phone back down on the wooden nightstand and got up out of the somewhat uncomfortable bed and stumbled into the kitchen, fumbling for the light switch.

I winced at the sudden sting of bright light that pierced my eyes. I looked around for a glass, a cup, anything, I found nothing. Great, just great. I decided I didn't need a drink that desperately and stumbled, half-asleep, back out to the bed and lay down sprawled out across the sheets. I drifted back to sleep not long after I lay down and as you can guess, yes, another nightmare. It was for a split second but it was enough to tell me that I needed to get up and get out of that place for a while and clear my god forsaken head.

I threw on a pair of black jeans that I'm almost certain are actually Toni's, a tight fitted shirt and my serpent jacket to tie the whole outfit together. I went outside and found Toni's bike, I mounted it and sped off down the road to God knows where. I drove on for miles and miles, I had no destination, only the open road. It was now winter and it had been snowing the past few days covering the roads and the grass with blankets of white.

I had no intention of ending up at the mountain roads that overlooked Riverdale. This was positively Toni's favourite spot to visit when she wasn't in the best mindset. Maybe it was the universe, maybe it was God, or maybe it was just my instincts, but whatever it was that brought me here made the right choice. This was just what I needed, some fresh air and a good reminder of Toni.

Even thought I've changed from the stone cold, unaccepting bitch I used to be, being up here gave me the ability to see the town in a new light. There was no Southside or Northside. There was Riverdale, the town as a whole. That from afar looked like a town that was cosy and warm, where all the parents know each other and have coffee dates with one another, and all the children grow up to be lifelong friends.

Seeing this gave me the will to go out and live again. I jumped back on Toni's bike and headed back for the motel. On the ride back I decided that I'd stop in at pops quickly and grab a bite. Late last night I came to pick up my order, when I entered pops was empty, thank God for that miracle, however I don't see the diner being empty at this time of the day, it being now 7am but I sucked it up and walked inside so I didn't starve to death.

The minute I walked into the diner all of my confidence faded away and I froze. The comments I heard were the most hurtful things ever to pass through my ears. I looked around and all eyes were on me. Imagine a hawk, with it's eyes on you ready to tear you apart with it's claws and beak, now image ten times the amount of hawks with their eyes on you, also instead of the claws and beak, imagine the most hateful comments you could ever receive from people that once were your friends, being thrown your way.

At that moment it occurred to me that no one in this town wanted me around and they couldn't care less if I was to actually go and be with Toni once again. Toni was the most loved person in this town and as of a few months ago, I am now the most hated. I took in a deep breath, turned away from the diner and got back on Toni's bike for the third time today and rode off again, this time back home. I left Toni's bike at the side of the house where it always sat and began walking in the other direction.

I walked and walked, down the winding roads of Riverdale, past the school, past the drive-in, past the diner, past the motel and past Pickens Park. The two and a half hour walk was highly worth it, to finally have reached the one and only place I would find justice and peace in this whole town. As many could have wished I ended up out in the middle of Sweetwater River on the blanket of ice that underneath, contained the deathly cold waters. I decided I had no other choice and took in a deep breath, I began to bang and pound into the ice, cracking and splitting it.

"I'm coming baby, I'm coming to see you again. I know that no one in this town wants me to live, let alone breathe another breath, I should have done this months ago when I lost you, I don't know why it's taken me this long to figure it out, but now I know that this is what I was meant to do. This is what I owe you. i owe you my life. I love you and I will see you soon, in a matter of minutes because you are the love of my life and if I can't live without you then I won't live at all" I whisper this in a shaky breath to Toni, the light and love of my very dull and unfulfilling life, as I pound my fist into the rock hard ice once more and take my last breath before falling through. My now lifeless body dragging with the current.

At long last, I am with Toni, once again and for good.

A/N: Okay so this has a point to it that will explain when I write the final chapter of this book, im sorry for causing you that pain.

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