Part 4: Fusion's Wish.

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"Fu-chan, this is my house," Ayumi told the bracelet on her wrist. She was walking by a house and an apartment complex, pointing at the complex. A dog then started barking at her, scaring her. "I'm scared. I don't like the city." Fu-chan then came off of her wrist and transformed into the being that Ayumi first found it as.

The dog stopped barking as he saw the little gold-ish blob in front of it, looking at the intimidating dog. The dog started growling at it. Fu-chan was going fu fu at it, concentrating on doing something to it.

"Fu-chan, watch out!" Ayumi cried out, scooping Fu-chan into her hands and running away before the dog could get either one of them. The dog barked as she ran away with Fu-chan in tow. Ayumi didn't stop until she got into her building. She started panting as the adrenaline went out of her system. Fu-chan looked up to Ayumi.

"Fu-chan, were you trying to protect me?" Ayumi asked the little blob.

"Fu fu fu!" Fu-chan replied, nodding what seemed to be its head.

"Thank you," Ayumi told it. "But it's dangerous to go near such a big dog. You're small, Fu-chan." It grunted in annoyance.

Outside, around town, grey blobs started coming out of the streets, under bridges, and anywhere else you could think.

'It is dangerous because I'm small,' Fu-chan's voice rang out to the pieces. 'But if I grow... I want to grow. Gather... Gather...' The gray blobs started coming together as they all started going to one spot. Some were flying while others were on the ground.

"How about it, Miyuki-chan?" Saki asked her as she and Miyuki were sitting on a park bench while Nagisa and Shelby were standing behind them.

"Oh, there gone," Miyuki said, depressed. They all went to the park where Miyuki last saw her friends, but they were nowhere to be found. "Where did they go? What do I do?" She started kicking her legs out in worry.

"How about we search somewhere else?" Nagisa asked in an upbeat voice.

"I guess we have to," Miyuki said, not having the same upbeat personality like Nagisa had at the moment. "But Nagisa-san, Saki-chan, Shelby-chan, you came with your friends, too, right? Is it okay not to look for them?"

"What are you saying?" Shelby begged to her, tears still in her eyes from earlier from not understanding.

"Yeah!" Nagisa told her.

"Well run across them sooner or later," Saki told her.

"How do you know?" Miyuki asked the two Japanese girls, paying no mind to the American.

"Well..." Nagisa and Saki said at the same time, not knowing how to answer it.

"Have some more everyone, mepo," Mepple told Candy as he, Flappy, Forever and Candy were in between Saki and Miyuki, Mepple giving the other faeries some takoyaki. "Hikari made these takoyakis."

"Why, thank you, Mepple-san," Candy told him.

"Hikari-san's takoyaki is the best, lapi," Flappy agreed.

"Mmm, this is really good," Forever told Mepple.

"Oh, yes, mepo," Mepple said again. The four girls were looking up, hoping that the stranger(s) wouldn't look down. Finally, all four of them looked down and saw the other faeries being very friendly with each other.

"No way!" Miyuki shouted out, seeing three other faeries.

"A piglet!" Saki shouted out at the same time, looking at Candy.

"Mepple, you had takoyaki?!" Nagisa yelled at Mepple, grabbing him by the head painfully and bringing him up to eye level.

"Forever, you were here this whole time?!" Shelby yelled at him, mad that he could've pretended to be a translator for her.

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