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Chapter 17

Taehyung's POV

Her hair was darker and much longer than it was before. She stood in a from fitting black dress, her eyes still had that sparkle to them. "There she is" Jungkook breathed, I glanced over at him and instantly felt bad. The poor guy was head over heels all over again. You can see it all over his face. They belonged together. Even though I so badly wanted to go over there and hold y/n in my arms once again and kiss those soft lips like I did ages ago. I knew I couldn't.

I was bound to the life I had, no escape. I had made that decision when I got married. "You should go talk to her" I mumbled. I could feel his stare as I looked back at y/n one more time. God she was beautiful, that smile her laugh everything about her made me feel overwhelmed again. "Aren't you going to come with?" He asked getting up from his seat, his eyes back on the beauty before us. "No I think I'm going to head out actually. But Jungkook..."

He looked at me as I got to my feet "Don't fuck this up...if you let her go again...I won't let you have her anymore" his eyes darkened but before he could say anything I walked away to go find my dreadful wife. It wasn't that she was a bad person but we were both just unhappy and wanted other people. But like I said we both knew our places in this world. So we would have to deal with it...for now.

Jungkook's POV.

I wanted to punch him in the face but he ran off before I had a chance. We were finally getting along how can he just up and say some shit like that? I shook him of my thoughts and took a deep breath before walking over to my group of friends.
As I approached the three y/n looked up and caught me coming towards her. She smiled warmly her eyes softened as we stared at each other. "I didn't think you'd make it" I breathed as I stood between Jimin and Kiki. She looked up at me and then back down at her feet, nibbling at her lower lip. I smiled to myself knowing the nervous habit. I always found it so cute.

"I didn't think I would either" she mumbled before looking around at the other guests. I couldn't help but feel a bit of jealousy wondering if she was looking for him. "Tae just left" I said without thinking "That asshole didn't even say goodbye" Jimin said glancing around, Kiki rolled her eyes and pulled him away from us. Leaving an empty awkward space between us.

"So...how have you been?" She asked taking a few steps forward, I licked my lips quickly and scratched the back of my neck. I wasn't sure why but I felt nervous, like it was a first date. "I've been good, just working" she nodded "Yeah same" we both stood there awkwardly watching the people around us dance and laugh. I could feel her gaze on the side of my face, I looked down at her and smiled. It felt so good to be near her again, to see that sweet smile and to hear her cute laugh. "Wanna get out of here?"

She raised a brow at me and I couldn't help but laugh, it was that same cocky y/n from way back when always down to get into some trouble. "Come on" I laughed intertwining our fingers and pulling her towards the exit. It felt extremely natural and comforting to be holding her hand again. Her curious big doe eyes watching my every movement, she still had that same shy smile tugging at her lips as we made our way out of the venue and into the cool night.

"Oh" I said as we approached the front of the venue. Tae and his wife were standing a few feet in front of us, his intense eyes glued to y/n and then to our hands. "Hey y/n" he said, it was low and barely above a whisper but we all heard it.
"Oh so this is y/n" Tae glared over at his wife, the way she said y/n's name was a bit unsettling. Tae didn't seem to like it. I looked down at y/n who stood there with a small smile on her lips as she gripped my hand a little tighter. Oddly is made my stomach do flips.

"Sneaking off without saying goodbye, what a very Taehyung thing to do" he smiled and looked at his feet. "Sorry about that" she shrugged and smiled up at me, I smiled in return feeling like my whole world was somehow shifting back into its place.

Tae's wife cleared her throat and clung to his side, he rolled his eyes again and mumbled a quick introduction between the three of us. "Nice to meet you" y/n said but his wife just eyed her and clung to Taehyung's arm once more. No matter how hard he tried to subtly shake her off, she wasn't budging.

Perhaps she new about Taehyung's love for y/n. I would feel the same way if y/n wasn't holding on to me right now. "Sir your car" we all turned our attention to the valet as Tae thanked him "Um...well I guess we better go" he said but his body didn't move. His eyes were still glued to y/n. "Yes lets go honey, we have a long drive" his wife urged as she pulled him to the car.

He sighed and opened the door for her and closed it before walking back over to us. His wife glared from her seat watching closely. "It was really good to see you" he spoke but only towards y/n "um both of you" he said taking a step back and glancing over at me. I nodded knowing he didn't really mean it "Remember what I told you earlier Jungkook" I rolled my eyes only making y/n laugh and arch a brow. "Don't worry I got it" I mumbled. He chuckled and then y/n let go of my hand and a sudden sense of panic washed over me.

I watched as she closed the gap between her and Taehyung, my heart pounding out of my chest. His eyes seemed to double as she stood in front of him and smiled, his features softened once he seen her face so close. "You said you'd call" she mumbled before wrapping her arms around him. I felt my heart rip a bit as I watched his embrace slowly engulf her tiny frame. "I know" he mumbled into her hair.

I couldn't help but feel like second best again, letting my head hang low as the two held each other too intimately. "It was good to see you though, I hoped everything worked out for you" I glanced up and seen her pulling away. Tae sighed and forced a smile "I was hoping for the same thing for you" she smiled and shrugged a little then glanced back over at me "I guess we will see" he followed her gaze and glared at me.

I couldn't help but smirk a little knowing it drove him crazy. "Take care Tae, and don't hesitate to call" she gave him a stern look and I smiled at how cute she looked.
Tae smiled as well and nodded before heading back to his car. She walked over to me and laced our fingers together once more and looked up at me with mischievous eyes "So are we getting out of here or what?"

A/n ah only one more chapter

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