Ch. 16 - Get Some Rest

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I handed Daryl the ring back as he lightly grabbed my left hand, slipping in on my ring finger then pulling me close for a light kiss. When he pulled out of the kiss, he looked down at our daughter and smiled at her as her blue eyes looked up at the two of us. “Let’s get some breakfast,” he said as he looked back to me with the smile still on his face. “In a minute,” I said smiling as I resituated Diamond in my arms, “need to feed this one.” “We’ve got formula downstairs,” he said motioning towards the steps. “No,” I said shaking my head, “save the formula for Lori’s baby.” He looked at me confused for a moment but then realization finally settled into his eyes as he caught what I was getting at. “I’ll go down a fix ya a plate then,” he said before kissing my cheek and walking down the stairs while I walked back into mine and Diamond’s cell.

By the time I got downstairs and out into the commons area where the tables were, Maggie had finished eating and kidnapped Diamond from me so that I could eat myself. I smiled and thanked her before walking over to where Daryl sat on the some steps next to Oscar, taking a seat right beside him and taking the bowl he offered me. I turned my back to him and leaned against his side while I slowly ate but watched everyone around me. It was quite, only sound coming from the utensils hitting the bowls everyone was eating out of. I glanced back at Daryl, trying to fight the smile that was coming onto my lips when he looked down at me with the ghost of the Dixon smirk I fell in love with. He leaned over slightly and placed a feather-light kiss on the side of my head before I turned my attention back to my food in front of me.

When I heard footsteps, I looked up expecting to see someone in here with us moving around but everyone was in their seats still. “Everybody okay,” I heard a voice say and my head, along with everyone else’s, snapped up and in the direction of the sound. “Rick,” I said placing my bowl down and jumping up to run over to him. “Anna,” he said sounding shocked to see me which didn’t surprise me one bit, “you’re alive.” “Yeah I keep hearing that,” I said smiling as I reach him after he had entered into the room and was standing by Carl, “I’m sorry about Lori.” I felt a tear slip down my cheek as I watched him look down to his feet in sadness. “We’re okay Rick,” Maggie said holding Diamond still as Rick looked at the baby in her arms and the one in Beth’s. “What about you,” Uncle Hershel asked Rick when we both looked at him.

“Cleared out the boiler block,” he said looking down at Uncle Hershel as I took Diamond from Maggie. “How many were there,” Daryl asked from his same spot on the steps. “I don’t know,” Rick said, “a dozen, two dozen. I have to get back. Just wanted to check on Carl.” At that moment, his eyes went to his newborn baby and then to my baby in my arms, confusion clear in his eyes. “This is my baby,” I whispered looking at him then down at Diamond, “mine and Daryl’s. I had her just before finding y’all again.” “Rick we can handle taking out the bodies,” Glenn said standing up as I moved back and walked back to sit by Daryl again with Diamond still in my arms, “you don’t have to.” “No I do,” he said then walked straight for me and Daryl as he looked dead at Daryl. “Everyone have a gun and a knife,” he asked looking at Daryl as I watched them.

“Yeah,” he said looking up at Rick, “we’re running low on ammo though.” “Maggie and me were planning on making a run this afternoon,” Glenn said as Rick turned his attention to him, “found a phone book with some places we can hit, look for bullets and formula.” “We cleared out the generator room,” Daryl said causing Rick to look back towards us, “Axel’s there trying to fix it in case of emergency. We’re gonna sweep the lower levels as well.” “Good,” Rick said walking away, “good.” “Rick,” I called after him but he just ignored me and walked on through the door that lead into the tombs, shutting it behind him in the process then disappearing from sight. “Has he even held her yet,” I asked looking at Daryl as he looked down at over at me before shaking his head.

“He’ll be fine Anna,” Uncle Hershel said causing me to turn my attention to him, “he just needs time. He’s trying to cope with losing his wife after giving birth to his second child.” I sighed and nodded as I looked back down at the baby in my arms. “You should go rest,” I heard Daryl say from beside me. “What,” I asked, “I’m fine. I don’t need to rest.” “Don’t be stubborn Anna,” he said smiling knowingly at me, “if I know you and I do, ya didn’t rest right after having Diamond. I’m willing to bet the minute you were told ya could move around, ya hauled ass looking for any signs of us.” I sighed in defeat because he was right. As soon as I was told I could move about, I left. “Go,” he said smiling down at me, “ya need rest or ya won’t be any good to Diamond if she needs ya.” “Fine,” I grumbled as I stood up but not before he took her from me with a grin on his face.

OMG guys I'm so sorry for not updating these past few days! I got caught up in writing my other Daryl story Family Ties which is finally getting more reads. That being said...I'm putting this on a small pause. At least until I get Family Ties caught up to season 3. Please don't hate me cause I will come back to this I promise!

- Kenz

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